Thursday, December 16, 2010

How Long Should Hair Straighteners Last?

Saints of the day December 17, 2010

San Giovanni de Matha
Faucon (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France), 1154 - Rome, December 17, 1213

Provencal, a professor of theology at Paris, a priest at age 40, John de Matha (1154-1213) left the chair to pursue a dream that had turned out to be his true mission: to free the Christian slaves in Africa. He retired in year to meditate on the company he founded with four hermits and the Order of the Holy Trinity, from the austere rule. After obtaining the approval of Pope Innocent III, left for Morocco. They began the first purchase of slaves. The theme was so deeply felt, so that St. Peter Nolasco founded in 1218, with the same purpose, Mercy. Giovanni died in Rome - where the Pope had given the church of St. Thomas in the Formis Celio - but in the seventeenth century his body was brought to Madrid. Without his order, the literature would not have had a masterpiece among the thousands saved over the centuries, in fact, in 1580 a Trinitarian rescued by a pirate Albanian Miguel de Cervantes, the future author of Don Quixote.

Sant 'OLIMPIA Vedova was born around 361 from a wealthy famiglia di Costantinopoli. Divenuta orfana in giovane età, fu affidata per l'educazione a Teodosia, sorella del vescovo di Iconio, sant'Anfilochio...
San FLORIANO Venerato a Bologna
Santa BEGGA Badessa di Andenne
Nata nel VII secolo da nobile famiglia carolingia, Begga si sposò e rimase vedova. Allora - sull'esempio della madre, santa Itta, che alla morte del marito, il beato Pipino di Land...
Abdenago, Misach e Sidrach, chiamati anche Anania, Misaele e Azaria, sono personaggi biblici. Il libro del profeta Daniele, nei primi tre capitoli, espone la vicenda di questi tre ...
Santa WIVINE (VIVINA) Badessa benedettina
Brabante, Belgio, 1103 – Grand-Bigard (Brabante), 17 dicembre 1170
È considerata come la fondatrice e la prima superiora dell'abbazia benedettina di Grand-Bigard, nella provincia del Brabante in Belgio, dove nel 1126, a 23 anni, fondò un eremo, ad...
San GIUDICAELE (JUDICAëL) Re di Bretagna
590 circa – 658 circa
San Giudicaèle (Judicaël), fratello di San Giudoco, in un primo tempo entrò in monastero sotto la guida di San Mavenno (Mèen), ma poi rivendicò i suoi diritti al trono di Bretagna....
San MODESTO Patriarca di Gerusalemme
Santi MARTYRS OF Eleutheropolis
These fifty soldiers, who at the time of Emperor Heraclius were martyred by the Saracens.
Holy Sturm FULDA Abate
of St. Christopher COLLESANO Monaco
Jacinta MARY CORMIER Dominican
Orleans, 1832 - Rome, 1916
already a seminarian Sensing the call to religious life, professed vows in private and entered the Third Order. In 1856, the day after his ordination, he went n. ..
Blessed JOSE JOSEPH Manyanet Y VIVES Priest
Tremp (Lleida, Spain), January 7, 1833 - Barcelona (Spain) December 17, 1901
" God has called the faithful to contemplate and imitate the Holy Family through the Blessed Manyanet José, a priest "(Aug. Romano), and therefore the apostle of the Holy Family of Nazar ...
Blessed Matilde del Sagrado Corazon Tellez Robles Founder
Robledillo de la Vera, Spain, May 30, 1841 - December 17, 1902
He founded the Congregation of the Daughters of Mary Mother of the Church. Raised in the Christian faith from a young, very young decided to devote himself totally to the Lord, despite the ...
Blessed Martyr PETER OF SPAIN Mercedarian
+ 1418
Famous for the propagation of the Catholic faith, the Blessed Peter of Spain, Knight of the secular 'Order Mercedario, was a man of doctrine and holiness of vita.Trovandosi to Al ..


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