Friday, May 30, 2008

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Mini-corso di alimentazione naturale 4 meetings in

Questo mini-corso di alimentazione naturale è stato pensato per avvicinare le persone ad una alimentazione più consapevole, intesa come mezzo per mantenere o ristabilire una salute spesso compromessa da un’alimentazione scorretta e da uno stile di vita stressante. Si basa sui principi dell’eubiotica e sulla promozione dell’utilizzo di alimenti di produzione biologica e integrali.

Al corso è ammessa la presenza di bambini (uno per adulto) per poter favorire la presenza di mamme che altrimenti non avrebbero la possibilità di partecipare. Se saranno presenti bambini ci sarà la possibilità di proporre giochi e attività legati all’alimentazione e all’argomento dell’incontro per evitare che i bambini possano annoiarsi. È possibile portare la merenda per i bambini oppure organizzare una merenda con prodotti biologici e naturali.

Il costo del mini-corso è di 40 euro a persona ( i bambini non pagano ). I gruppi saranno costituiti da massimo 4 persone .
La sede del corso è Verona .

The mini-course will be held from mid-June . You can organize meetings during the week and on weekends.
The mini-course can only begin when the group will consist of 4 people . It is possible that inclusion of groups already formed and the subsequent continuation of a course of study with other mini-course of 4 sessions each, with specific topics, always related to food.
For information and registration:
cell. 328-8583127
rando.diana @

Friday, May 16, 2008

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Eating with consciousness is a path of self-knowledge

I started interested in organic and natural food more than twenty years ago when I met a person who operated herbalist. This person was a vegetarian and was through it that I began to approach food differently, with a new awareness. Overnight I stopped eating meat and began to prepare my own meals. Within a short time disappeared the terrible neck pain that had gripped me for years. I found that were due to the use of monosodium glutamate. After 5 years of vegetarianism in which did not introduce other animal proteins than those derived from milk and cheese, I began to have some aches and I turned to a doctor who took care of non-traditional medicine. He told me that I had completely exhausted my supply of trace elements and gave me supplements in vials of Copper-Gold-Silver. Thus restore my health, and introducing other sources of protein such as tofu and seitan. After eight years of vegetarianism, taken to eating animal products such as meat, fish and eggs. And I discovered that those eight years of organic food without additives, preservatives, dyes had cleaned my taste. Now I could feel the taste of foods in different ways and began to eat foods that before I refused because I did not like their taste. Since then, no longer able to be vegetarian, but I continued to use mostly organic products and my advice I do not recommend anyone to use products that contain MSG.
addition to following an organic diet, I also worked in this area dealing with the public sale of these products. It is during this experience that is born in me the desire to study in order to provide better service to people asking for advice about their diet. It 'started well, after I graduated as a dietitian in 1994, my career as a consultant in this area and despite being well past fourteen years and my life has made some huge turns, I again found the spot where I started. And this is precisely the meaning of my blog: the desire to give advice to those who can might need to provide people the experience gained in recent years. It 'difficult to be able to do on-line advice without seeing the people, without a direct relationship. But sometimes even a simple advice can help you find a foothold from which to start a journey in search of themselves. Why a healthy diet is nothing but a search, day after day, of our identity, of who we are, what we like, what we feel. In short, a discovery of us who maybe do not know and could surprise us. So if anyone wants to discover a world that often take for granted, or if anyone has any questions, curiosities, doubts regarding nutrition can email to the email address: @ rando.diana . For personal advice, however, my work is in Verona.

Monday, May 12, 2008

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What is natural food?

We live in a world now flooded by artificial products of all kinds. Many useful, some essential, most unnecessary. Maybe, just perceiving this artificial world is too narrow and stifling brought to the fore the term "natural" used and abused in every sector, especially that relating to food and personal care.
I thought about what it means to me the term "natural food", both in terms of my experience training and working life, and found four basis points, which probably could be added others.
  • natural food is not dieting . There is nothing natural in the diet, there is no living thing in nature that calculating food calories, the amount of protein, fat, sugar. Ever since I was born a human being bases his power on the spur of hunger and satiety, until the social rules and times of modern life do not take precedence over the physiological needs.
  • Power is introducing natural and organic whole foods . In nature there are no refined foods: they are an invention of a food industry that bases its work mainly on profit, not the well-being. And 'the invention of a consumer society which had grown out after the Second World War who sees in refined product a status symbol of wealth.
  • natural food is used mainly fresh . It 's definitely very helpful to have a supply of home-cooked food, canned, ready-to allow for preparing a meal at the last minute. But when this practice becomes the norm and not the exception, who pays the consequences is our health. Besides being virtually maintenance-free life energy, these products contain preservatives, coloring agents, emulsifiers, thickening contributing to intoxicate the body.
  • Natural food is to follow the seasonal cycle of products . Being able to store food and the ease with which they can carry in a few hours on either side of the world has made available in all markets products in each country during the time of the year. But plants are born, grow and bear fruit in one season and in a certain climate because they have a meaning for the body that is tied to a specific time and place.

Nurtured has a deeper meaning than just introduce a food to satisfy my hunger. Most of the diseases and ailments of the human diet comes from not appropriate in terms of both quality and quantity. We have forgotten our deeper connection with nature, thinking that the technology could satisfy our needs. But the results have rejected our expectations. We have a lot more than one time, but we are sicker and more miserable. Above all, we delude ourselves to be able to manipulate the world as we please without being liable for the consequences harmful for us.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

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The diet is not the solution

diets do not work, it is a fact. That is, because they work should be on a diet for life, but even so would not work.
There is no other animal outside of the human calculating the calories you eat. The only animals on a diet are domestic cats and dogs also ruined by their wealth.
The body is programmed for life and every time there is a shortage of food for thousands of years, puts in place mechanisms of defense.
In the case of the diet (= lack of food, elimination of categories of food, replacing food with surrogates) triggered an energy saving mechanism that determines the slowing of metabolism and as a result of a decrease in body weight. However, when the period of abundance of food, the body stores the excess calories as fat mass in anticipation of a future shortage.
Often those who are on a diet has the feeling of gaining weight just looking at the food or just drinking a glass of water. For those who, despite a strict diet, try these feelings frustration is really great.
The result you would expect from a diet is the decrease in body weight. But this, in addition to the fat mass, is also lean and liquids.
What you measure when you step onto the scale is the change in weight and body composition, which is measured with other instruments. So when you have the feeling of "Grease" just by breathing the air you should consider whether, instead fat, there is more of swelling or fluid retention, often the result of dieting and the stress it brings.
The solution, in this case, it will be found elsewhere: a balanced diet that can nurture life, not just the body.

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health comes from a conscious choice

The food is the first thing that external material into our body after birth.
Our relationship with food begins with the first breastfeed and be with us for a lifetime.
In fact, it starts much earlier, at the time of conception, but is mediated for the duration of pregnancy by another person.
Even in the early years of food intake is mediated by other persone e successivamente dai modelli sociali.
Proprio per questo, spesso il nostro rapporto con il cibo diventa con il passare degli anni problematico fino a trasformarsi, talvolta, in una vera e propria patologia.
Recuperare la nostra capacità di alimentarci autonomamente, senza condizionamenti esterni, basandoci sugli istinti biologici che naturalmente possediamo è possibile mediante un percorso che ci aiuti ad acquisire una maggiore consapevolezza di come funziona il nostro organismo e delle trappole messe in atto dalla nostra mente.
Ciò è possibile semplicemente utilizzando le nostre potenzialità personali e quello che la natura ci mette, da sempre, a disposizione.

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Diana Rando nasce a Mestre (Ve), il 5 novembre 1963.
Si diploma come dietista nel 1994 a Padova e successivamente frequenta numerosi corsi di aggiornamento e congressi nel settore.
Fin dal 1985 si interessa alla Medicina orientale e naturale, frequentando diversi corsi e scuole (shiatsu, shintaido, reiki, erboristeria, alimentazione biologica e naturale, vegetarianesimo, iridologia, naturopatia, ecc.).
Ha svolto la propria attività di dietista sia a livello ospedaliero, sia presso strutture private, sia come libero professionista e come formatrice.
Oltre che nel settore dell’alimentazione biologica, vegetariana e naturale, ha operato nell’ambito dei disturbi del comportamento alimentare (anoressia e bulimia), approfondendo their experience through support for rehabilitation in food (meals clients).
to personal choice and the experiences in their work does not use the instrument of the diet (ie the programming of food on the basis of counting calories), but builds with the person concerned a process of information and knowledge available from food needs and individual problems.
In 2008 he completed training as a naturopathic doctor at the School of Naturopathy - FINRA (Italian Federation of Naturopaths Riza) Riza Institute of Psychosomatic Medicine.
Its activities focus on the promotion of wellness and health of people through information and promotion of a more natural way of eating through the recruitment of products from organic and biodynamic dal'agricoltura. Since
also the mother of a child suffering from brain injury, for years following training courses related to rehabilitation methods about this issue, particularly interested in the food as a tool to promote health and overall improvement in children with this disease.
currently lives and works in Verona.