Friday, October 10, 2008

Employment Contracts For Drivers

Food is something external that take into our body and that simply does not pass through the digestive system, but becomes part of us.
When we introduce a food that contains pesticides, those pesticides become part of us.
When we introduce a food that contains substances of synthetic chemical substances become part of us.
When we introduce a food that contains modified DNA, the DNA becomes part of our DNA.
When we introduce a food that comes from abuse, fear, violence, everything becomes part of us.
If we introduce a food product with love, warmed by the rays of the sun and preparation con cura, tutto ciò diventa parte di noi.

Letter Of Sponsorship Financial Support

E adesso, cosa ne pensate della carne?

Per legge gli animali destinati al consumo umano devono essere uccisi mediante taglio della gola per poter permettere la fuoriuscita del sangue. Spesso arrivano a questa fase ancora coscienti.

Questa foto non ha lo scopo di scioccare le persone, nè di criticare le scelte alimentari di nessuno. E' solo un invito alla riflessione......