Monday, December 28, 2009

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nose and anosmia

The nose is not an appendage of the decorative face, also because in many
cases, this worsens the appearance of the face but has the important task of "conditioned" l'aria che respiriamo. Una gran quantità di cause contribuisce a modificarne i meccanismi di controllo. L'inquinamento atmosferico, per esempio, rappresenta un elemento di grosso disturbo della funzione nasale. Tali cause esterne contribuiscono, inoltre ad amplificare delle “costituzionali”, come le allergie o le disfunzioni del Sistema Nervoso Autonomo. L'ostruzione nasale è il sintomo più importante tra tutti e, a fronte di parziali successi terapeutici assicurati dalla terapia medica, c'è oggi un'alternativa chirurgica efficace. Lo sviluppo di moderne tecnologie permette l'esecuzione di questa in anestesia locale, senza ricovero e senza l'applicazione di tamponi nasali.
The decrease or absence of smell is called hyposmia or anosmia . The causes that produce this symptom are many, for simplicity, we reduce them to two groups. The first is that of causes obstructive , in which odors are unable to reach the olfactory area, located at the top of the nose. The second group is that where there is a loss of olfactory cells or neural structures behind them (nerve olfactory or olfactory area of \u200b\u200bthe brain), which is what causes the neurosensory . These include the possibility of damage to the olfactory epithelium is relatively frequent. The olfactory nerve cells, however, are very special because unlike the others have the ability to reproduce. This translates into the possibility that a sensorineural loss can, theoretically, take shelter. E ' common experience for many patients, in fact, the recovery of olfactory function after a certain period of anosmia.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

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.... Yeah, that's why we pray in this holy night. Lord Jesus Christ, you who are born in Bethlehem, come to us! He joined me in my soul. Change me. Renew. It 'that I and all of us from stone and wood into living people, where your love is made present and the world is changed. Amen.

(taken from the homily of the Holy Father on Christmas Eve 2009)

Friday, December 25, 2009

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messages of Medjugorje

December 25, 2009

"Dear children, this day of joy, I bring all before my Son, the King of Peace, that give you His peace and blessings.
children, peace and share this blessing with others love. Thanks for having responded to my call. "

Message to Jacov
December 25, 2009

"Dear children. In all this time in a special way in which God allows me to be with you, I would guide you on the road to Jesus and to your salvation. My children, only God can find salvation, and therefore, especially in this day of grace with the baby Jesus in arms, I call to permit Jesus to be born in your hearts.
Only with Jesus in your heart can set out on the road to salvation and eternal life. Thank you for having responded to my call. "

Thursday, December 17, 2009

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Merry Christmas for every day of life.

image from:
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AND NOT 'a children's story.



And who knows us by name and surname


experience His powerful presence


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Seizure And Dental Work


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mucus Just Before My Period

Pope: "The mechanism of intoxication media consciences"

The ethical responsibilities of the media today have been recalled by the Pope in his speech to the streets of Spain for the traditional homage to the statue of the Immaculate Conception on 8 December. "Every day - denounced Pope Benedict XVI - through newspapers, television, radio, evil is told, repeated, amplified, accustomed to the most horrible things, making us insensitive and, in some way intoxicated, because the negative is not fully disposed of, and day by day builds up. hardens the heart and thoughts will darken.

"In the city they live or survive - continued the Pope - invisible people, who occasionally jump on the front page or on television, and are exploited to the last, until the news and image attract attention. It is a perverse mechanism, which unfortunately is hard to resist. The city first and then hides exposes to the public. No mercy, or with a false piety. "For Pope Ratzinger," but there is in every man's desire to be accepted as a person and considered a sacred reality, because all human history is a sacred story, and requires the greatest respect ".

" The media - the Pope pointed out bitterly - tend to make us feel more 'spectator, as if evil to apply only to others, and certain things could never happen to us. Instead - he articulated - we are all 'actors, and in the better and for worse, our behavior has an influence on others. We often complain of air pollution, which in some places of the city is unbearable.
is true: it takes the commitment of all levels to clean up the city. Yet there is more pollution, less perceptible to the senses, but equally dangerous is the pollution of the spirit is what makes our faces not smiling, darker, which leads us to greet each of us, not look in the face ".

Through the distorted lens of the media, said the Pope in front of the crowd," See you all on the surface. People become bodies, and these bodies lose the soul, become things, objects without a face, and exchangeable consumables. "Immaculate Mary - said Benedict XVI - helps us to rediscover the depth and defend the people, because in it there is perfect transparency of the body. It is the purity in person, in that spirit, soul and body are you fully consistent with each other and with God's will I pay tribute publicly - has spoggiunto - anyone in silence, not with words but with facts, we strive to practice this evangelical law of love, who runs the world. There are many, even here in Rome, and rarely make the headlines. Men and women of all ages who have understood that you do not need to condemn, complain, complain, but it's worth more to respond to evil with good. This change things, or rather, it changes people and, consequently, improve the company. "

" Dear Friends, Romans, and all of you who live in this city - has called the Pope addressed the approximately 20 thousand audience that crowded despite the rain Today Afternoon Piazza di Spagna, Piazza Mignanelli, Via Condotti and Via Frattina - while we are busy in daily activities, pay orecchioalla voice of Mary. We listen to his quiet but urgent appeal. She tells everyone: where sin abounded, grace may abound, starting from your heart and your life. "So the city, he assured," will be more beautiful, more Christian, more human. "

"The city - ha continuato il Papa con voce ferma - è fatta di volti, ma purtroppo le dinamiche collettive possono farci smarrire la percezione della loro profondità. Nel cuore delle città cristiane, Maria costituisce una presenza dolce e rassicurante. Con il suo stile discreto dona a tutti pace e speranza nei momenti lieti e tristi dell'esistenza. Nelle chiese, nelle cappelle, sulle pareti dei palazzi: un dipinto, un mosaico, una statua ricorda la presenza della Madre che veglia costantemente sui suoi figli. Anche qui, in Piazza di Spagna, Maria è posta in alto, quasi a vegliare su Roma".

"Cosa dice Maria alla città? Cosa ricorda a tutti con la sua presenza?", si è chiesto il Pontefice teologo. "Ricorda - è stata la risposta - che 'dove abbondò il peccato, sovrabbondò la grazià. Ella è la Madre Immacolata che ripete anche agli uomini del nostro tempo: non abbiate paura, Gesù ha
vinto il male; l'ha vinto alla radice, liberandoci dal suo dominio". "Quanto abbiamo bisogno - ha concluso - di questa bella notizia. La città ha bisogno di Maria, che con la sua presenza ci parla di Dio, ci ricorda la vittoria della Grazia sul peccato, e ci induce a sperare anche nelle situazioni umanamente più difficili".

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tips For Card Game Arsehole

Mary, Mother of God

L' Immacolata Concezione è un dogma cattolico , proclamato da papa Pio IX l' 8 December 1854 with bubble Ineffabilis Deus , which states as Virgin Mary was preserved free from original sin from the first moment of its conception . The

Catholic Church celebrates the solemnity 's Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary ' s December 8. In the Immaculate Catholic devotion connected with the apparitions of Lourdes ( 1858).


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Acronis True Image Install Problem

Message December 2, 2009 Mirjana

"Dear children, this time of preparation and joyful expectation, as a mother I would like to show you what is most important to your soul. Can it be born in my children? 'purified with love from lies, arrogance , hatred and malice?

The your soul love God above all things as Father and brother in Christ? I am pointing the way to raise your soul to a complete union with my Son. I wish that my son is born in you. What a joy for me, Mother. Thank you! "