Monday, December 28, 2009

Birthday Cake Tennis Court

nose and anosmia

The nose is not an appendage of the decorative face, also because in many
cases, this worsens the appearance of the face but has the important task of "conditioned" l'aria che respiriamo. Una gran quantità di cause contribuisce a modificarne i meccanismi di controllo. L'inquinamento atmosferico, per esempio, rappresenta un elemento di grosso disturbo della funzione nasale. Tali cause esterne contribuiscono, inoltre ad amplificare delle “costituzionali”, come le allergie o le disfunzioni del Sistema Nervoso Autonomo. L'ostruzione nasale è il sintomo più importante tra tutti e, a fronte di parziali successi terapeutici assicurati dalla terapia medica, c'è oggi un'alternativa chirurgica efficace. Lo sviluppo di moderne tecnologie permette l'esecuzione di questa in anestesia locale, senza ricovero e senza l'applicazione di tamponi nasali.
The decrease or absence of smell is called hyposmia or anosmia . The causes that produce this symptom are many, for simplicity, we reduce them to two groups. The first is that of causes obstructive , in which odors are unable to reach the olfactory area, located at the top of the nose. The second group is that where there is a loss of olfactory cells or neural structures behind them (nerve olfactory or olfactory area of \u200b\u200bthe brain), which is what causes the neurosensory . These include the possibility of damage to the olfactory epithelium is relatively frequent. The olfactory nerve cells, however, are very special because unlike the others have the ability to reproduce. This translates into the possibility that a sensorineural loss can, theoretically, take shelter. E ' common experience for many patients, in fact, the recovery of olfactory function after a certain period of anosmia.


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