Sunday, May 11, 2008

Black Hooded Cardigans


Diana Rando nasce a Mestre (Ve), il 5 novembre 1963.
Si diploma come dietista nel 1994 a Padova e successivamente frequenta numerosi corsi di aggiornamento e congressi nel settore.
Fin dal 1985 si interessa alla Medicina orientale e naturale, frequentando diversi corsi e scuole (shiatsu, shintaido, reiki, erboristeria, alimentazione biologica e naturale, vegetarianesimo, iridologia, naturopatia, ecc.).
Ha svolto la propria attività di dietista sia a livello ospedaliero, sia presso strutture private, sia come libero professionista e come formatrice.
Oltre che nel settore dell’alimentazione biologica, vegetariana e naturale, ha operato nell’ambito dei disturbi del comportamento alimentare (anoressia e bulimia), approfondendo their experience through support for rehabilitation in food (meals clients).
to personal choice and the experiences in their work does not use the instrument of the diet (ie the programming of food on the basis of counting calories), but builds with the person concerned a process of information and knowledge available from food needs and individual problems.
In 2008 he completed training as a naturopathic doctor at the School of Naturopathy - FINRA (Italian Federation of Naturopaths Riza) Riza Institute of Psychosomatic Medicine.
Its activities focus on the promotion of wellness and health of people through information and promotion of a more natural way of eating through the recruitment of products from organic and biodynamic dal'agricoltura. Since
also the mother of a child suffering from brain injury, for years following training courses related to rehabilitation methods about this issue, particularly interested in the food as a tool to promote health and overall improvement in children with this disease.
currently lives and works in Verona.


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