Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Toothache Swollen Jaw Compress

I'm reading ... A pleasant surprise

this book really exciting ... here is some information taken from Wikipedia:
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, 2003) is a novel yellow of Mark Haddon which has been translated in over twenty countries, staying for a long time, topped the charts of best-selling books. In Inghilterra ha vinto il premio Whitbread per il miglior libro del 2003. In Italia, nel 2004, vince nella categoria "romanzo" la 2ª edizione del Premio Letterario Merck Serono, Premio dedicato a saggi e romanzi, pubblicati in italiano, che sviluppino un confronto ed un intreccio tra scienza e letteratura con l'intento di stimolare un interesse per la cultura scientifica rendendo accessibile anche ai meno esperti. La voce narrante del testo è quella del protagonista, Christopher Boone, ragazzo quindicenne che soffre della sindrome di Asperger : una forma di autismo which occurs because of some behavior, such as not bear to be touched, the hatred of yellow and brown as opposed to the love of the red, the difficulty in understanding other human beings. The syndrome also gives him extraordinary abilities logical-mathematical: it is not the case in the book shows several famous mathematical problem. The isolation from emotional feelings and the natural predisposition Christopher makes a great lover of mathematics.
in production is a film adaptation written and directed by Steven Kloves
and produced by Warner Bros. in collaboration with Heyday Films and Plan B Entertainment [1] .

Since I have almost finished the next one ends up on the table is this ... completely different genre, I like space!
Men who hate women (Man Hatar kvinnor som) is a detective story of writer and journalist Swedish Stieg Larsson . The novel is the first of a trilogy Millennium , published posthumously after the untimely death of the author.

Greetings greetings!


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