Monday, December 28, 2009
Birthday Cake Tennis Court
Saturday, December 26, 2009
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.... Yeah, that's why we pray in this holy night. Lord Jesus Christ, you who are born in Bethlehem, come to us! He joined me in my soul. Change me. Renew. It 'that I and all of us from stone and wood into living people, where your love is made present and the world is changed. Amen.
(taken from the homily of the Holy Father on Christmas Eve 2009)
Friday, December 25, 2009
When Running Why Does Your Mouth Dry
"Dear children, this day of joy, I bring all before my Son, the King of Peace, that give you His peace and blessings.
children, peace and share this blessing with others love. Thanks for having responded to my call. "
Message to Jacov
December 25, 2009
"Dear children. In all this time in a special way in which God allows me to be with you, I would guide you on the road to Jesus and to your salvation. My children, only God can find salvation, and therefore, especially in this day of grace with the baby Jesus in arms, I call to permit Jesus to be born in your hearts.
Only with Jesus in your heart can set out on the road to salvation and eternal life. Thank you for having responded to my call. "
Thursday, December 17, 2009
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image from:
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AND NOT 'a children's story.
And who knows us by name and surname
experience His powerful presence
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Mucus Just Before My Period
The ethical responsibilities of the media today have been recalled by the Pope in his speech to the streets of Spain for the traditional homage to the statue of the Immaculate Conception on 8 December. "Every day - denounced Pope Benedict XVI - through newspapers, television, radio, evil is told, repeated, amplified, accustomed to the most horrible things, making us insensitive and, in some way intoxicated, because the negative is not fully disposed of, and day by day builds up. hardens the heart and thoughts will darken.
"In the city they live or survive - continued the Pope - invisible people, who occasionally jump on the front page or on television, and are exploited to the last, until the news and image attract attention. It is a perverse mechanism, which unfortunately is hard to resist. The city first and then hides exposes to the public. No mercy, or with a false piety. "For Pope Ratzinger," but there is in every man's desire to be accepted as a person and considered a sacred reality, because all human history is a sacred story, and requires the greatest respect ".
" The media - the Pope pointed out bitterly - tend to make us feel more 'spectator, as if evil to apply only to others, and certain things could never happen to us. Instead - he articulated - we are all 'actors, and in the better and for worse, our behavior has an influence on others. We often complain of air pollution, which in some places of the city is unbearable.
is true: it takes the commitment of all levels to clean up the city. Yet there is more pollution, less perceptible to the senses, but equally dangerous is the pollution of the spirit is what makes our faces not smiling, darker, which leads us to greet each of us, not look in the face ".
Through the distorted lens of the media, said the Pope in front of the crowd," See you all on the surface. People become bodies, and these bodies lose the soul, become things, objects without a face, and exchangeable consumables. "Immaculate Mary - said Benedict XVI - helps us to rediscover the depth and defend the people, because in it there is perfect transparency of the body. It is the purity in person, in that spirit, soul and body are you fully consistent with each other and with God's will I pay tribute publicly - has spoggiunto - anyone in silence, not with words but with facts, we strive to practice this evangelical law of love, who runs the world. There are many, even here in Rome, and rarely make the headlines. Men and women of all ages who have understood that you do not need to condemn, complain, complain, but it's worth more to respond to evil with good. This change things, or rather, it changes people and, consequently, improve the company. "
" Dear Friends, Romans, and all of you who live in this city - has called the Pope addressed the approximately 20 thousand audience that crowded despite the rain Today Afternoon Piazza di Spagna, Piazza Mignanelli, Via Condotti and Via Frattina - while we are busy in daily activities, pay orecchioalla voice of Mary. We listen to his quiet but urgent appeal. She tells everyone: where sin abounded, grace may abound, starting from your heart and your life. "So the city, he assured," will be more beautiful, more Christian, more human. "
"The city - ha continuato il Papa con voce ferma - è fatta di volti, ma purtroppo le dinamiche collettive possono farci smarrire la percezione della loro profondità. Nel cuore delle città cristiane, Maria costituisce una presenza dolce e rassicurante. Con il suo stile discreto dona a tutti pace e speranza nei momenti lieti e tristi dell'esistenza. Nelle chiese, nelle cappelle, sulle pareti dei palazzi: un dipinto, un mosaico, una statua ricorda la presenza della Madre che veglia costantemente sui suoi figli. Anche qui, in Piazza di Spagna, Maria è posta in alto, quasi a vegliare su Roma".
"Cosa dice Maria alla città? Cosa ricorda a tutti con la sua presenza?", si è chiesto il Pontefice teologo. "Ricorda - è stata la risposta - che 'dove abbondò il peccato, sovrabbondò la grazià. Ella è la Madre Immacolata che ripete anche agli uomini del nostro tempo: non abbiate paura, Gesù ha
vinto il male; l'ha vinto alla radice, liberandoci dal suo dominio". "Quanto abbiamo bisogno - ha concluso - di questa bella notizia. La città ha bisogno di Maria, che con la sua presenza ci parla di Dio, ci ricorda la vittoria della Grazia sul peccato, e ci induce a sperare anche nelle situazioni umanamente più difficili".
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Tips For Card Game Arsehole
L' Immacolata Concezione è un dogma cattolico , proclamato da papa Pio IX l' 8 December 1854 with bubble Ineffabilis Deus , which states as Virgin Mary was preserved free from original sin from the first moment of its conception . The
Catholic Church celebrates the solemnity 's Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary ' s December 8. In the Immaculate Catholic devotion connected with the apparitions of Lourdes ( 1858).
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Acronis True Image Install Problem
"Dear children, this time of preparation and joyful expectation, as a mother I would like to show you what is most important to your soul. Can it be born in my children? 'purified with love from lies, arrogance , hatred and malice?
The your soul love God above all things as Father and brother in Christ? I am pointing the way to raise your soul to a complete union with my Son. I wish that my son is born in you. What a joy for me, Mother. Thank you! "
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Mercury Outboard Motors Troubleshooting
messages of Medjugorje
November 25, 2009
" Dear children, in this time of grace, I invite everyone to renew prayer in your families. Prepare yourselves with joy the coming of Jesus Children, may your hearts be pure and pleasing to the love and warmth to flow through you in every heart that is far from His love. Little children, be my outstretched hands, hands of love for all those who are lost, which no longer have faith and hope. Thank you for having responded to my call. "
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Age And Height Requirements For Front Seat
" Dear children, Today I am among you to show you the way that will help you know the 'God's love, the love of God that has allowed us to call him and hear Father. I ask you to sincerely look in your hearts and see how much you love him. He is the last to be loved? surrounded by material goods, many The times have you betrayed, denied and forgotten. My children, do not deceive yourselves with worldly goods. Think of your soul, because it is more important than the body, purificatela. Invoke the Father, He is waiting, come back to him because I am with you in His grace He sends me. Thank you. "
Thursday, October 22, 2009
How To Set Combination Lock On Polo Suitcase
For about 25 years my diet is mostly organic. Mostly, because they often can not choose, especially when eating in the restaurant, pizzeria and the bar. Usually I also do the shopping in stores that sell organic products, but sometimes, for time or place, you need to do their shopping in supermarkets. So the question inevitably arises: "Where did you get these fruits and vegetables this?", "How will this food was produced?". So, a few years ago, I started to check all the ingredients and country of production of what I wanted to buy. And I discovered that the amount of unnecessary ingredients in food is really big.
time ago, for example, in a food store in a typical mountain village of jars of vegetables I found really attractive: radicchio, dandelion, mushrooms, etc.. Vegetables also a bit 'unusual to find elsewhere. And I let myself be attracted by the beauty of the vegetables and the box. I bought more jars, without thinking before you read the label. When I tried to eat vegetables, I realized that all had the same taste and were not as good as they were beautiful, indeed. I read the label and discovered that the manufacturer had decided to introduce in the vessels a "flavor enhancer: monosodium glutamate. But there will be to enhance the natural goodness of the vegetables? The content of all bottled ended up in the dustbin. Disappointment and loss of about € 28.
Moral: better read the labels before buying a product, otherwise:
- You will have to throw away the product and with it the money spent (desirable choice)
- You feel compelled to eat the same product because "it is a sin to waste" (replacing the dustbin)
- One intossicherà of substances harmful and unnecessary additive to the product.
Unfortunately many people do not read the ingredients in any way, whether out of habit, and for the smallness of the printing. And so every day introduce a large amount of substances that poison the body without being aware. Often, however, people are uninterested in what they introduce into their bodies.
For example, how many and are introduced through the daily diet of a person? And those are the
substances indicated by a code composed of E and three digits indicate the type of additive used in the preparation of a product. According to EEC Directive No.107 of 1989, is considered a food additive as any substance not normally consumed as a food in itself and not normally used as a characteristic ingredient of food, regardless of whether it has nutritive value, the intentional addition to food for a technological purpose in the manufacture, processing, preparation, processing, packaging, transport or storage of food, may be reasonably expected to become, itself or its products, a component of such foods, either directly or indirectly. "
Therefore, it is something that is not part of the food in nature, is not a food, but will become a component of the food, and with it enter the body.
Among these substances are preservatives, antioxidants, dyes, thickeners, emulsifiers, sweeteners, flavor enhancers, anti-foaming agents, anti-caking agents, etc.. The antitumor
Center of Aviano (PN) has distributed a list of the abbreviations of the various additives, dividing them into "harmless", "suspect" and "Toxic." Among the latter, incidentally, that considered the most dangerous of all is the E330, which is the monosodium glutamate. Then, as it is never allowed its use in many products?
Also in this leaflet is a list of product categories, including the production brands, which contain food additives considered to be toxic: snacks, drinks, snacks, sweets, cigarettes produced by fermentation as well. At the top of this list are given snacks and their manufacturers. In fact, most products that contain food additives (which is considered harmless drugs) are intended for children.
For example, "E102 (tartrazine) is an artificial lemon yellow dye that is added in carbonated beverages, candies in fruit, pudding, packaged soups, ice cream, in chewing gum, marzipan, in jams, jellies, in the mustard, yogurt and many other foods together with glycerin, lemon and honey. It can also be found in the shells of medicinal capsules. Sometimes dye is added to the E133 (brilliant blue) and E142 (green) to produce different shades of green during the process of canning peas. It is the cause of many allergies and intolerances as free histamine. Among the reactions to this compound include: headache, edema, spotted vision, rhinitis, red spots on the skin, trouble breathing. When taken in conjunction with benzoic acid (E210) causes hyperactivity in children. This dye is allowed in Britain, Italy and the United States, while it is banned in Norway and in Austria (source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).
This is just one example of the damage that these additives cause health effects in people, especially children, elderly and convalescent. Who, in fact, he never thought of giving some candy and fruit to a child or an elderly person, bring cream to a resident in a hospital or a convalescent, to put a snack in your backpack for your child's school?
The inevitable question is: why? Because these substances are banned in some countries and in others (including our) no, knowing che sono dannose?
Spesso ci sentiamo impotenti di fronte alle scelte delle multinazionali e della politica economica mondiale, ma non dobbiamo dimenticare che noi comuni consumatori abbiamo in mano un’arma molto potente: il potere d’acquisto. Possiamo scegliere ciò che vogliamo comprare, possiamo scegliere ciò che vogliamo mangiare e in questo modo influenzare le scelte produttive delle varie ditte. Ricordiamoci la legge dell’economia studiata a scuola: è la domanda che crea l’offerta.
Cominciate a leggere le etichette dei prodotti che acquistate abitualmente (non solo alimentari, per esempio anche i prodotti cosmetici e di bellezza). Evidenziate quante E trovate e, dando valore 1 ad ogni E, provate a fare il conto di quante E giornalmente finiscono nel vostro piatto, o meglio nel vostro organismo. Il numero totale di E rende l’idea del grado di tossicità giornaliero, dato solo dall’alimentazione. Ad esso bisogna aggiungere una vasta gamma di sostanze tossiche che entrano nel nostro organismo anche attraverso la pelle, l’aria e perfino i pensieri. Se siete curiosi, andate a vedere in internet le notizie relative alle varie sigle. La migliore difesa è la consapevolezza.
Gli unici artefici della nostra salute e della nostra malattia siamo noi. Non solo, siamo anche responsabili della salute e della malattia delle persone che ci stanno vicino, in primis i bambini. Molto tempo fa qualcuno disse: “Non fare ad altri ciò che non vorresti have done to you. " So let us not poison the children (ours and others) by offering them sweets, snacks, etc.. There are many other ways to express love. The food has a different function.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Frustration Rules Card
When will the food in human history, started to be an enemy?
Once food "bad" was considered poisonous or spoiled food, which could cause disease and death. Today, the food "bad" is what "makes you fat," what "is to judge" those who consume it, what is not "socially acceptable" because it stands for "fancy desire, desire, weakness. " I refer to
definitely sweet, but do not be surprised if many people in the same category also includes all carbohydrates.
cakes if they can do without. From the nutritional point of view so they are not even healthy, because they are rich in sugars, fats, dyes, preservatives, etc.. Only in recent decades have become part of the daily diet. Once they were an exception, today they are a food-comforting.
But what about the carbs, they are essential to life. And cereals, in fact, that was based human survival. In every country in the world there are one or more grains typical of that place, in harmony with the climate, geographical location, the geological composition of that territory. In developing countries, cereals are considered a treasure, a precious gift of nature with the water, so that together provide the life.
countries alone "civilized" cereals are considered a "threat" to the line more to health. And in some respects, rightly so, as if we were distorted, manipulated, refined, chimicizzati, developed by large industry, so as not to possess anything of the original function: to nourish.
Carbohydrates have become a reservoir of naked calories, a vehicle of addictive substances harmful to health, that have nothing to do with the original composition of grain from which it originates.
Instead of deleting it from carbohydrates daily, why not reconsider their quality?
For too long we are used to introduce only one type of cereal: wheat. All forms of carbohydrates throughout the day that we introduce are based on wheat: pasta, bread, bread sticks, crackers, cakes, etc.. Among other things, which are made with wheat is fertilized with chemical fertilizers and then refined. Therefore it follows a food low in vitamins and minerals. Moreover, almost all of the wheat used in modern industry is derived from a cross between a wheat “nanizzato” (cioè trattato con le radiazioni perché la pianta non cresca troppo in altezza), chiamato Creso, e un frumento di coltivazione messicana. Ciò avveniva negli anni ’80 e le conseguenze di tutte queste operazioni manipolative sono ora visibili nel dilagare delle intolleranze e allergie che molte persone hanno sviluppato nei confronti degli alimenti contenenti glutine.
In natura esistono numerose varietà di cereali: orzo, miglio, mais, riso, kamut, farro, quinoa, grano saraceno, avena, segale. Ognuno di essi ha caratteristiche e composizione diverse e la loro rotazione nell’alimentazione settimanale garantisce un apporto di sostanze nutritive molto vario, purché di origine biologica e assunti in their entirety. Most of these are also the products (bread, pasta, crackers, cookies, biscuits, flakes, etc.). And even the flour, but the best form of recruitment in order to benefit their quality is still in the grain or can not manipulated.
These cereals and their derivatives can be found in shops specialized in selling organic and biodynamic food, but a bit 'of time even in some supermarkets. In the latter, however, often the choice is less varied and higher prices, and the fact that the products are exclusively packaged. It is therefore important to carefully read labels to make sure they were not additives of preservatives, including if considered legal.
The human being is not just physical. Hence all the techniques used to control body weight (diets, excessive exercise, fasting, etc.). Sooner or later prove to be ineffective and harmful. We often forget their spiritual and mental components, which can not be controlled by the will and continue to hinder our self-destructive intent, to continue sending messages. However, we continue to ignore them, or because we are no longer able to hear us, and because we delude ourselves to control them.
The sense of hunger is a signal that comes from our being instinctive. Its purpose is to allow survival. Come può essere considerato un nemico? Continuare ad ignorarlo significa voler ignorare la vita stessa. Alla fine, essa ci invia un segnale di disagio talmente forte in modo che non sia più possibile far finta di niente. In un attimo avviene ciò che tanto avevamo temuto. Siamo costretti a capitolare. Ma ormai, in pochi secondi, riempiamo il nostro essere con un’infinità di cibo-spazzatura, invece che di cibo-amore e cibo-cura di sè. E il risultato è proprio quello che abbiamo cercato così affannosamente di evitare.
“Non fare agli altri ciò che non vorresti fosse fatto a te”. “Ama il tuo prossimo come te stesso”.
Perché non trasformare questi insegnamenti in:
“Non to ask yourself what you do not to others "and" Love yourself as you love your neighbor "?
We can start right now: only the present has no value. The past is past no longer exists. The future does not exist yet, but it will be a consequence of our actions in the present.
We fill our lives with acts of love for ourselves!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Welcome Speech School Function
Generally, the term satiety is used both to indicate the time when you do not test more the sense of hunger and the duration of the period when this happens until the stimulus reappears.
In fact, in the first case we speak more properly saziamento, which indicates the time between when you start to eat and when he no longer feels the need to do so.
With satisfaction, however, means the period between the time of termination of the stimulus of hunger until they reappear.
In people who use various methods to control the urge of hunger and satiety saziamento often no longer being properly recognized, to stop impeding the act of eating when the body no longer needs or to start eating when satiety is finished. As a
saziamento signal is given by the distension of the stomach wall, it can be induced by various methods (eg, introduction of large quantities of liquids or foods such as vegetables or fruit that, once digested, involving a period of satiety short and early recurrence in the sense of hunger). If, for example, a meal is made up solely of vegetables or fruit, will be fast saziamento (gastric distention caused by water and fiber), but the fullness will be short and then reappear much sense of hunger soon (about 30-60 minutes later). In people who eat very fast, without chewing, and usually introduce large amounts of food at each meal, the distention of the stomach wall more slowly, and then the message of satiety is slow in coming. The
saziamento and satiety are also determined by the type and quality of food brought in during the meal. Every food has a specific satiating power, which varies depending on the presence of other components in the food or meal. In general, complex carbohydrates have a high satiating power, the average protein has a satiating power and lipids have a high satiating power, but only if introduced in high numbers. The fibers, particularly arising da verdura e da prodotti integrali, aumentano il potere saziante degli alimenti a cui si accompagnano. La frutta, invece, essendo composta principalmente di acqua e zuccheri semplici, ha un potere saziante temporaneo.
Se nello stesso pasto sono presenti i principali macronutrienti (carboidrati, proteine e lipidi) e le fibre derivanti dalla verdura, sia il saziamento che la sazietà saranno maggiori.
La capacità di riconoscere gli stimoli di fame e sazietà è una cosa innata nell’essere umano, come anche in tutti gli altri animali. Essa è molto sviluppata e attiva nel neonato e negli animali, tranne quelli domestici, da allevamento e negli animali che vivono in cattività. Negli animali liberi, questa capacità rimane inalterata per tutta la vita. Anche per l’uomo un tempo era così: gli stimoli di fame e sazietà hanno permesso a tutte le specie del regno animale (uomo compreso) di sopravvivere ed evolversi.
Purtroppo, sia nell’uomo che negli animali domestici, quelli che vivono in cattività e quelli da allevamento, questa capacità viene alterata da altre esigenze, prima tra tutte la scansione quotidiana del tempo cronologico.
E’ certamente evidente che non mangiamo perché abbiamo fame, anche se spesso non ce ne rendiamo conto, ma perché “è ora”. Tutta la vita dell’individuo è scandita dagli orari: l’ora di alzarsi, l’ora di fare colazione, l’ora di andare at school or at work, lunch time, time to snack time, dinner time, time to go to bed. Even pet animals (dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, etc.). Have had to adapt to our times.
The time factor is not the only loss of the ability to influence the recognition of the stimuli of hunger and satiety. Stress, anxiety, sadness, depression can cause a false sense of hunger, whose purpose is to cause the intake of sweet foods that stimulate the production of substances that promote a temporary state of being.
When we eat, all our senses work together to send messages to the brain on the form, color, smell, taste and texture of what we are ingesting. To sensory stimuli is also added memory (remember pleasant or unpleasant). All this information helps determine the sense of satiety and the feeling of contentment or less.
Another factor that encourages the development of stimulus saziamento and affect satiety is chewing. Almost all have little time and attention to our feed. The hectic life is divided between home, work and family leaves little time for preparation and taking quiet and relaxed meal. To this we must add the emotional states (stress, anxiety, anger, nervousness, depression) that accompany our day. All this affects both the choice of food (quick to prepare, rich in fats and sugars, flavor accentuated), and the mode of application. This is probably due to the search for an "energy boost" that our body needs due to the exhaustion of the forces due to a life on the run. Unfortunately, it does not.
more you eat, attacked the food, I devour, swallow, swallow it almost whole, just as wild carnivores. This attitude could also derive from the need to download the accumulated tension and aggression during the day. Often, even after a few hours the meal, we do not even remember what we ate.
Chewing is important, not only because through the grinding and salivation is easier digestion of food. Even this alone would be a great achievement for our health, because many of the problems facing our civilization digestive system would be solved. In addition, we must remember that in the oropharyngeal cavity and in particular at the level of language, is the production of sensory satiety, generated by the stimulation exerted by the food on the five senses (especially taste and smell). Eating quickly and greedily reduces the sensory satiety, whereas a good chewing la favorisce.
Il nostro comportamento alimentare, inoltre, è influenzato dai sapori. La dietetica occidentale riconosce quattro sapori fondamentali: dolce, salato, acido e amaro. Su zone specifiche della lingua sono presenti le papille gustative in grado di riconoscere i vari sapori: dolce sulla punta, salato e acido ai lati, amaro sul retro.
Il sapore influenza il grado di accettazione di una sostanza, che è direttamente proporzionale alla piacevolezza della sensazione gustativa. Maggiormente ricercate sono le sostanze dolci perché danno una sensazione molto piacevole, la quale però diminuisce man mano che aumenta la concentrazione del sapore. Il gusto amaro, invece, provoca solitamente una sensazione sgradevole e il rifiuto della substance, especially in children, because this flavor is usually associated with toxic substances. The degree of pleasantness and the search for a food are also more at the beginning of the meal and gradually decrease until it becomes unpleasant when you reach satiety.
summary, to restore the ability to take the stimulus of satiety is important
1. Divide the daily food intake in 5 meals
2. Taking time to prepare and eat a meal without rushing
3. Chewing food well
4. Introducing the major macronutrients in each meal, giving priority to the carbohydrate meal (energy factor) and protein for dinner (constructive factor)
5. Accompany every meal with vegetables (raw and / or cooked) and take the fruit snacks in
6. Eat mostly whole foods (fiber, vitamins, trace elements) and biological
(fruit peel)
7. Remember that foods rich in sugar and fat are more attractive and enhance the sense of hunger.
Finally, an aspect that is very underrated and little known is the fact that, during mastication of fresh foods, whole and organic or biodynamic, are freed of the subtle energies contained in them, which serve to nourish the intellectual aspect of our being (etheric body, astral body and ego), but which also benefits the physical body.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
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The distribution of meals has been misinterpreted, not taking into account the variations in blood glucose over the day. For who is constantly on a diet or suffers from an eating disorder think that if you eat less to reach its main goal: the reduction of body weight. Unfortunately, these people ignore or try to ignore the fact that physiology can not be controlled by willpower alone. In fact, after a disturbed eating behavior occurs at times of high glycemic load periods following sharp drop in blood sugar due to the absolute lack of introduction of foods likely to cause anxiety, irritability, stress that in reality are only signs of hunger, but are not recognized as such. These episodes
often follow altered eating behaviors such as compulsive introduction of food, usually sweets or carbohydrates (crackers, breads, snacks, chips, chocolate, etc..) and foods high in fat (meats, cheeses, sauces). This introduction gives the compulsive feeling of loss of control, albeit temporarily decrease symptoms of anxiety and nervousness following the introduction of food that causes a state of being. This is followed inevitably reduced self-esteem and feelings of guilt, until you get use to conduct "compensating" such as skipping meals later, vomit ol'iperattività physics.
The feeling of fear and anxiety on the momentary loss of control creates a vicious circle in which the attempt to hypercontrol implemented through abstinence by food intake causes a drop in blood sugar followed by a sense of hunger that is denied or not recognized as such, but interpreted as anxiety, stress or nervousness. This results in compulsive introduction of food that determines guilt and reduced self-esteem, leading to an increased effort to hypercontrol abstinence from food and again, endlessly repeating the cycle.
Learning to listen to the stimuli of hunger and satiety and food break during the day helps to break the vicious circle. This can be achieved by following a very simple and straightforward scheme which promotes the physiological pattern of blood glucose and helps to avoid peaks of hypo-or hyperglycemia.
If the signal of hunger caused by the drop in blood sugar, instead, be heard and supported, perhaps with the introduction of fruits, juices, yogurt or centrifuges are ideal for breaks between meals, the bulimic attack does not occur and the Vicious cycle is interrupted, causing a state of psychological well-being as well from being able to verify that this new eating behavior does not necessarily follow an increase in body weight. Indeed, this very beneficial change will lead to much needed weight decrease following the reduction of anxiety, stress, bulimia attacks, water retention, accumulation of energy in the form of body fat due to the introduction of large quantities of food in a single episode.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Diagram For Indoor Fountain
not easy to know what you need, you go by trial and error. After millennia of life on Earth, the human being is not yet able to decipher the first language of a child crying. And so you end up doing what everyone does: trying to get him to stop tapping his mouth. It simply puts a barrier between us and his tears: a pacifier, a bottle of food. And finally (in 99% of cases) the child stops crying. And you can devote to something else.
's how we learned from childhood not to listen to more of our needs, to not understand our needs, our desires, to quench our frustration. Just put a barrier once again: sometimes food, sometimes a cigarette, sometimes alcohol, sometimes drugs. Very little is needed to appease our inner cry, we need to be understood, listened to, loved. It 's so that arise related disorders: anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorders. And all the dependencies: drugs, alcohol, smoking, sex, gambling.
It 's true, perhaps even as children we were not listened to, loved, fed. But this should not become an excuse to continue to harm or to repeat the same pattern with parenting our children. Once you become aware of this heavy baggage that we drag behind childhood, the next step can be only one: to learn to let go of the ballast, to let go to free our lives from the shackles of the past. The only time is really important this: here and now.
Only here and now we can begin to hear that baby still crying inside. If we continue to close his mouth how can you tell us what it needs to be happy? Taped over your mouth when the baby is inside of us still do not want to hear our screaming and crying because I want to break the chains of the past, wants to be free, he wants to be reborn.
When we are not happy in the place where we are, whether it be work, family, the city where we live, the sense of dissatisfaction, frustration, inability to make a change in direction creates a state of anxiety, contempt, of helplessness that most of is sometimes appeased with food or with smoking.
When we get angry with someone but we can not vent our anger, to say what we think, to express what I feel inside, our hand, even faster than thought, grabs the food and in a flash, without realizing it, the 'object of our anger is there, inside our mouths. And chewed, crushed it, devour it like we're doing this to someone. And too often that someone is ourselves. Then the act is not directed more to something external, but internal to our body: our stomach, one who has to swallow everything, even the "frogs", the "bricks" and the injustices ("This thing just did not go down," "I do not digest," "I like a weight on my stomach"). Hence, the gastritis and ulcers later, corresponding to eat themselves not to eat the other.
When we have an unsatisfactory relationship, or have no relationship and we feel alone, eat sweet things offsets that sweetness that has always lacked in life. But as soon as the short and illusory sense of being caused by increased production of serotonin in our body, slip back into grim reality of everyday life: solitude. And it is often sadness and loneliness that you eat, drink, take drugs there to fill that gap that separates life from life that we would like.
And then there's the sad world of those who are always on a diet, to chase a future project of thinness and happiness, is social approval, by the success, the illusion of being able to solve all problems, from being the desired end and loved. An happiness fictitious, but based on an unsteady base, impermanent, can not penetrate the depths of our being. But again, what has not been taken into account is still that child inside of us that wants to be heard and that we put to rest once again forcing him to starvation. But rebels and screams that he has had enough, who want to live, eat and be loved. Not enough of surrogates. And when this happens, the surface of everyday life that we do not like and want to change, comes the anxiety, fear, the panic of not being able to keep the situation under control. Born of guilt ("I ruined everything"), the self-accusations ("I can not combine any good"), blame ("it's my fault"), the contempt ("I'll never not") and then, seeing that we are not just able to keep everything under control, you might as well let go of the reins and run like mad horses. But at the end of the race everything is as before, in fact, worse. Why now we must also fight against the sense of failure, which can cause us to slip into the abyss of depression, or it can empower us to restate, to try once more this challenge. But even if we use the hypercontrol to solve our unhappiness inside and continue to beat always against the same wall. Which one will win? Certainly not us.
Then what is the way to go, the means to finally become happy? If we want to get out of that tunnel which is created from childhood and that seems to mark the way for compulsory until the end of our lives, we must do what no one has ever been granted from the beginning: listen. Listen to our emotions, our desires, our feelings: follow our instincts.
Our instinct is never wrong: it is what has allowed us to survive to this day in history, what drives the animal being that is within us, as the child does not use the rational mind to know What is better to do. If we learn to listen, will show us exactly what we need. It is the only one we can trust, because it belongs to, is part of us and knows what we need to be happy. For too long we have stifled thinking that others might know better than us. But it is time to take in hand the reins of our lives and begin to drive it personally, based on our instinct, basing our choices on what we feel makes us feel good and not on the expectations of others. Because the only people truly interested in our happiness is ourselves.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
How Many Pounds Gained During Menstrual Cycle
We live in a world that is absolutely not a measure for children, although much has been done in the past to improve the living conditions and general health. But even today (especially today) the core values \u200b\u200brevolve around the interests of adults, work, money, ego and personal priorities.
As a freelancer, which deals with power, I could not agree that, even in food, children's interests do not override. If so, the primary concern is the health of our children and not the financial gain of the manufacturers.
How many mothers and grandmothers have given in front of the subtle and attractive way to promote the consumption of biscuits and snacks, while knowing that the ingredients they contain sono tutto fuorchè sani? Se la salute dei nostri figli fosse veramente il nostro interesse primario, continueremmo ancora ad offrire loro questi prodotti? Il problema principale è che la pubblicità punta moltissimo a far leva sui nostri punti deboli: cibo = amore = cura = ricompensa = calore = ricordo = attenzione. Questo a tutte le età.
Chi potrebbe affermare che una mamma o una nonna non tengono alla salute dei propri figli o nipoti? Potrebbe qualcuno pensare che esse vogliano il loro male? Assolutamente no! Allora perché continuiamo a minare la salute dei nostri figli con un’alimentazione che sta continuamente dando prova della mancanza di salubrità che dovrebbe invece garantire, soprattutto a chi andrebbe maggiormente meant to protect children?
There are no good foods or bad foods of all: what should be a primary consideration is the style of food daily to every day. Unfortunately, it is the power every day to be the cause of various problems and diseases: allergies, overweight, obesity and diabetes at an early age, as most striking examples. But not to overlook intolerance, skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, etc..), Intestinal diseases (dysbiosis, colitis, constipation), persistent and recurrent infections (otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, flu and colds). The list could be extended indefinitely, because what we express through our health or disease depends mostly on what we introduce into our bodies. And when it comes to genetic diseases should not forget that our genes are constructed from what we eat.
If the damage were incorrect it from immediate, sharp and visible, then we would be much more careful what we take into our body. But they often go undetected for many years or perhaps never manifests itself in an explicit way, limited to small daily hassles and symptoms that can be removed quickly with some medication (or natural remedy), then we give them weight, then having to deal with overt severe disease.
A mother who invest in their children's future will be careful what he eats, drinks and breathes even before conceiving a new life. So it will be during pregnancy and after childbirth and beyond, when this new creature coming into the world will begin to feed with food other than breast milk. This is perhaps the best investment a parent can do for their children, most of the savings, the life insurance policies, the selection of the best school in the world. But to be able to do this, we must first begin to entertain the wise child who lives within us: we must begin to take care of themselves.
[1] Hugh & Gayle Prather - "Parents in the soul - how to understand and to nourish the hearts of the children" - Gruppo Editoriale Futura