Children are not a priority in the world, and I never have been. That sentence read in a book very enlightening [1] shook me deeply, both as a human being and as a mother, both as operator of the well-being. And I could not disagree with what I was reading.
We live in a world that is absolutely not a measure for children, although much has been done in the past to improve the living conditions and general health. But even today (especially today) the core values \u200b\u200brevolve around the interests of adults, work, money, ego and personal priorities.
As a freelancer, which deals with power, I could not agree that, even in food, children's interests do not override. If so, the primary concern is the health of our children and not the financial gain of the manufacturers.
How many mothers and grandmothers have given in front of the subtle and attractive way to promote the consumption of biscuits and snacks, while knowing that the ingredients they contain sono tutto fuorchè sani? Se la salute dei nostri figli fosse veramente il nostro interesse primario, continueremmo ancora ad offrire loro questi prodotti? Il problema principale è che la pubblicità punta moltissimo a far leva sui nostri punti deboli: cibo = amore = cura = ricompensa = calore = ricordo = attenzione. Questo a tutte le età.
Chi potrebbe affermare che una mamma o una nonna non tengono alla salute dei propri figli o nipoti? Potrebbe qualcuno pensare che esse vogliano il loro male? Assolutamente no! Allora perché continuiamo a minare la salute dei nostri figli con un’alimentazione che sta continuamente dando prova della mancanza di salubrità che dovrebbe invece garantire, soprattutto a chi andrebbe maggiormente meant to protect children?
There are no good foods or bad foods of all: what should be a primary consideration is the style of food daily to every day. Unfortunately, it is the power every day to be the cause of various problems and diseases: allergies, overweight, obesity and diabetes at an early age, as most striking examples. But not to overlook intolerance, skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, etc..), Intestinal diseases (dysbiosis, colitis, constipation), persistent and recurrent infections (otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, flu and colds). The list could be extended indefinitely, because what we express through our health or disease depends mostly on what we introduce into our bodies. And when it comes to genetic diseases should not forget that our genes are constructed from what we eat.
If the damage were incorrect it from immediate, sharp and visible, then we would be much more careful what we take into our body. But they often go undetected for many years or perhaps never manifests itself in an explicit way, limited to small daily hassles and symptoms that can be removed quickly with some medication (or natural remedy), then we give them weight, then having to deal with overt severe disease.
A mother who invest in their children's future will be careful what he eats, drinks and breathes even before conceiving a new life. So it will be during pregnancy and after childbirth and beyond, when this new creature coming into the world will begin to feed with food other than breast milk. This is perhaps the best investment a parent can do for their children, most of the savings, the life insurance policies, the selection of the best school in the world. But to be able to do this, we must first begin to entertain the wise child who lives within us: we must begin to take care of themselves.
[1] Hugh & Gayle Prather - "Parents in the soul - how to understand and to nourish the hearts of the children" - Gruppo Editoriale Futura
We live in a world that is absolutely not a measure for children, although much has been done in the past to improve the living conditions and general health. But even today (especially today) the core values \u200b\u200brevolve around the interests of adults, work, money, ego and personal priorities.
As a freelancer, which deals with power, I could not agree that, even in food, children's interests do not override. If so, the primary concern is the health of our children and not the financial gain of the manufacturers.
How many mothers and grandmothers have given in front of the subtle and attractive way to promote the consumption of biscuits and snacks, while knowing that the ingredients they contain sono tutto fuorchè sani? Se la salute dei nostri figli fosse veramente il nostro interesse primario, continueremmo ancora ad offrire loro questi prodotti? Il problema principale è che la pubblicità punta moltissimo a far leva sui nostri punti deboli: cibo = amore = cura = ricompensa = calore = ricordo = attenzione. Questo a tutte le età.
Chi potrebbe affermare che una mamma o una nonna non tengono alla salute dei propri figli o nipoti? Potrebbe qualcuno pensare che esse vogliano il loro male? Assolutamente no! Allora perché continuiamo a minare la salute dei nostri figli con un’alimentazione che sta continuamente dando prova della mancanza di salubrità che dovrebbe invece garantire, soprattutto a chi andrebbe maggiormente meant to protect children?
There are no good foods or bad foods of all: what should be a primary consideration is the style of food daily to every day. Unfortunately, it is the power every day to be the cause of various problems and diseases: allergies, overweight, obesity and diabetes at an early age, as most striking examples. But not to overlook intolerance, skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, etc..), Intestinal diseases (dysbiosis, colitis, constipation), persistent and recurrent infections (otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, flu and colds). The list could be extended indefinitely, because what we express through our health or disease depends mostly on what we introduce into our bodies. And when it comes to genetic diseases should not forget that our genes are constructed from what we eat.
If the damage were incorrect it from immediate, sharp and visible, then we would be much more careful what we take into our body. But they often go undetected for many years or perhaps never manifests itself in an explicit way, limited to small daily hassles and symptoms that can be removed quickly with some medication (or natural remedy), then we give them weight, then having to deal with overt severe disease.
A mother who invest in their children's future will be careful what he eats, drinks and breathes even before conceiving a new life. So it will be during pregnancy and after childbirth and beyond, when this new creature coming into the world will begin to feed with food other than breast milk. This is perhaps the best investment a parent can do for their children, most of the savings, the life insurance policies, the selection of the best school in the world. But to be able to do this, we must first begin to entertain the wise child who lives within us: we must begin to take care of themselves.
[1] Hugh & Gayle Prather - "Parents in the soul - how to understand and to nourish the hearts of the children" - Gruppo Editoriale Futura
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