Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pinacle Game Profiler Oblivion

Il circolo vizioso

Often the daily diet is characterized as eating disorders, though not so obvious. The person feeding, making sure that it introduces, but claims not to be on a diet. Often the food model is based on preconceptions and prejudices that lead to mistakes (eg., Choose pasta or white rice instead of a sauce, believing it is healthier and less caloric) or avoidance techniques (removal of entire categories of foods considered "hazardous" or "prohibited").
The distribution of meals has been misinterpreted, not taking into account the variations in blood glucose over the day. For who is constantly on a diet or suffers from an eating disorder think that if you eat less to reach its main goal: the reduction of body weight. Unfortunately, these people ignore or try to ignore the fact that physiology can not be controlled by willpower alone. In fact, after a disturbed eating behavior occurs at times of high glycemic load periods following sharp drop in blood sugar due to the absolute lack of introduction of foods likely to cause anxiety, irritability, stress that in reality are only signs of hunger, but are not recognized as such. These episodes
often follow altered eating behaviors such as compulsive introduction of food, usually sweets or carbohydrates (crackers, breads, snacks, chips, chocolate, etc..) and foods high in fat (meats, cheeses, sauces). This introduction gives the compulsive feeling of loss of control, albeit temporarily decrease symptoms of anxiety and nervousness following the introduction of food that causes a state of being. This is followed inevitably reduced self-esteem and feelings of guilt, until you get use to conduct "compensating" such as skipping meals later, vomit ol'iperattività physics.
The feeling of fear and anxiety on the momentary loss of control creates a vicious circle in which the attempt to hypercontrol implemented through abstinence by food intake causes a drop in blood sugar followed by a sense of hunger that is denied or not recognized as such, but interpreted as anxiety, stress or nervousness. This results in compulsive introduction of food that determines guilt and reduced self-esteem, leading to an increased effort to hypercontrol abstinence from food and again, endlessly repeating the cycle.

Learning to listen to the stimuli of hunger and satiety and food break during the day helps to break the vicious circle. This can be achieved by following a very simple and straightforward scheme which promotes the physiological pattern of blood glucose and helps to avoid peaks of hypo-or hyperglycemia.

Generally, about every three hours there is a drop in blood sugar and shows the sense of hunger for food is introduced that brings the blood sugar to normal values. Often, people who have eating disorders, although not obvious, this sense of hunger creates a lot of anxiety, because the person is convinta che se asseconderà lo stimolo introducendo del cibo la conseguenza sarà l’aumento del peso corporeo. Molte persone tendono a cercare di ingannare questo segnale bevendo caffè, succhiando caramelle, masticando gomme, fumando o bevendo un bicchiere di acqua. Finché riescono ad ignorare lo stimolo della fame con questi espedienti sono molto soddisfatte e si sentono forti e potenti, ma quando non riescono più a controllare questi segnali l’ansia elevata scatena una vera e propria crisi bulimica durante la quale viene introdotta una grande quantità di alimenti, velocemente, voracemente e di pessima qualità, in quanto generalmente ricchi di grassi, zuccheri e conservanti. Infatti, molto difficilmente una persona colpita by a bulimic attack is able to choose healthy foods or to prepare a real meal.
If the signal of hunger caused by the drop in blood sugar, instead, be heard and supported, perhaps with the introduction of fruits, juices, yogurt or centrifuges are ideal for breaks between meals, the bulimic attack does not occur and the Vicious cycle is interrupted, causing a state of psychological well-being as well from being able to verify that this new eating behavior does not necessarily follow an increase in body weight. Indeed, this very beneficial change will lead to much needed weight decrease following the reduction of anxiety, stress, bulimia attacks, water retention, accumulation of energy in the form of body fat due to the introduction of large quantities of food in a single episode.


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