Saturday, January 2, 2010

Dog Discolouration Of Mouth


Messaggio a Mirjana
del 2 Gennaio 2010

“Cari figli, oggi vi invito a venire con me con totale fiducia, perché io desidero farvi conos
cere mio Figlio. Non abbiate paura, figli miei. Io sono con voi, are next to you. I show you the way to forgive yourself, forgive others and, with sincere repentance of the heart, to kneel before the Father. Let it die in you all that prevents you from loving and saving to be with Him and in Him Decide for a new beginning, the beginning of sincere or God itself. Thank you. "

Message to Marija
of January 1, 2010

"Dear children, thank you. You are my hope, I bless you all. You are my joy. Continue to convert and to live my messages with joy. "


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