Saints days of December 10, 2010 Our Lady of Loreto
The Sanctuary of Loreto was built in place where, according to legend, the home of the Virgin Mary was miraculously transported by the Angels. This shrine dates back to the fourth century, and is one of the oldest. Even today this church is a destination of constant pilgrimages, and given the Italian Lourdes. The conviction of this miraculous translation drove Pope Benedict XV to be the principal patroness Our Lady of Loreto with God for all aircraft.
www. Sant 'EULALIA Virgin and martyr in Spain
sec. III-IV
is undoubtedly the most famous saint of Spain. Tradition identifies a martyr Eulalia child. His death would be occurred at the age of twelve years in Mérida, ... Pope St. Gregory III m. 741
(Pope from the 18/03/731 11/741)
native of Syria, Gregory, son of John, came to Rome as a young man. After the death of Gregory II was elected pope and consecrated 18 March 731 ... Saints Hermogenes, DONATO AND 22 COMPANIONS Martyrs San TOMMASO DI FARFA (DI MAURIENNE) Abate 650 - 720
Nato intorno al 650 e di origine franca, Tommaso fu il fondatore della gloriosa abbazia di Farfa, presso Rieti. Poiché il suo mandato abbaziale sembra piuttosto lungo e la sua mort... San CESARE Vescovo Sec. I San LUCA DI MELICUCCA' Monaco e vescovo
m. 10 dicembre 1114
Nato a Melicuccà, monaco presso la grotta di san Elia lo Speleota, fu vescovo instancabile degli Ortodossi di Calabria e di Sicilia durante la dominazione normanna. EDMONDO GENNINGS Saints And Martyrs Swithun Wells + London, England, December 10, 1591 San JOHN ROBERTS priest and martyr Trawsfynedd, Wales, 1577 - Tyburn, England, December 10, 1610 Saints POLIDORO PLASDEN AND WHITE Eustathius priests and martyrs + Tyburn, London, England, December 10, 1591
beheaded during the persecutions of Isabella I, d 'England, because in this country exercised his priestly ministry. San Mauro Martire ROME San TWIN Martyr of Ancyra Blessed Marcantonio Durando Vincentian priest Mondovi, Cuneo , May 22, 1801 - Turin, 10 December 1880
was born in Mondovi May 22, 1801 into a family whose members distinguished themselves in military and political career, and were leading figures of the Risorgimento Piedmont e. .. Blessed ANTONIO AGOSTINO AND MARTIN HERNANDEZ GARCIA CALVO Salesian martyrs + PICADERO de Paterna, Spain, December 10, 1936 Beati BRIAN LACY, GIOVANNI MASON E SYDNEY HODGSON Martiri + Tyburn, Londra, Inghilterra, 10 dicembre 1591
Brian Lacy, sacerdote originario di Louth, nel Lincolnshire, rimase fedele alla Santa Sede e non aderì all’anglicanesimo. Fu però tradito da suo fratello ed incarcerato a Tyburn, p... Beato GUNDISALVO (GONZALO) VINES MASIP Sacerdote e martire Xàtiva, Spagna, 19 gennaio 1883 – Vallés, Spagna, 10 dicembre 1936
Gonzalo Viñes Masip nacque a Xàtiva, in Spagna, il 19 gennaio 1883 e divenne sacerdote dell’arcidiocesi Valencia. At the outbreak of civil war and the ruthless persecution re ... Blessed THOMAS SOMERS priest and martyr + Tyburn, England, December 10, 1610
Thomas Somers, a priest from the Westmoreland, shared the sote of the Benedictine John Roberts, both of which were accused, convicted and hanged for refusing to ... Blessed Simon Fernandez Mercedario Blessed Simon Fernandez, Mercedarian Redeemer, 200 freed slaves from a cruel bondage. With a rigorous example of life to give joy and pleasure to God alone, the city of ... Fra Raimondo de PIRRARIIS Mercedario Religious of the Convent of St. Eulalia in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBlessed Raymond de Pirrariis was prior of the Order of Mercy. He worked tirelessly for and withstand the redemption ... Blessed WILLIAM DE CARRARA Mercedario Insigne to the manly virtues, Blessed William de Carrara, was a knight of the Order Mercedario lay in the convent of Santa Maria d'Esteron in Menorca Spagna.Con in his example ...