Linking nutrition and health is not as obvious as it may seem. Often people do not feel that what they eat affects their welfare. For many, it means that you regularly take preventive medical examination is underway to discover whether or not a disease and stop it at any time. The food is regarded as something in itself, serving to live, to appease hunger, control your weight. So do not pay attention to the quality of the foods that are introduced, but their price and content in calories.
Organic farming is seen by many as a utopia, a business, a fashion, because the damage caused by the accumulation of toxins in the body over years of food-based products are more chimicizzati silent with respect to a most striking symptoms that can be immediately placed in relation to a case. We have grown accustomed to living with our illness, either physical or psychological, to which we respond promptly taking medicines or remedies that simply disabling the alarm.
Despite extensive information campaigns conducted in recent decades, the idea that foods are commercially produced using pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics, dyes, preservatives, etc.. indifferent to most people. The portfolio of physical appearance are considered much more important in the scale of priorities, in which health care is not ever the first place.
Who is interested in nutrition in general it does mainly because it is constantly dieting. It's amazing the number and variety of diets that were invented and marketed in the last 40 years. And this rich (in every sense) production has not yet exhausted its source. Women in general, but also men (especially those who frequent the gym), fully aware of the caloric content of each food and dietary products used in place of a meal. The nutrition and physical activity are not taken into account in the psycho-physical, but the weight loss and external appearance. Often
knowledge and information on nutrition is only based on articles of women's magazines and television advertising, in addition to numerous scientific programs or not. Few know where it comes from the food they eat, what it contains, quali metodi sono stati utilizzati nella coltivazione/allevamento, nella produzione, nel confezionamento e nella distribuzione. Non siamo più in grado di riconoscere se un alimento è autoctono o proviene da paesi lontani, se è di stagione oppure coltivato in serra. Questo è lo scotto che dobbiamo pagare alla civilizzazione e alla globalizzazione.
Nella giungla dell’alimentazione è veramente difficile districarsi. Quando si crede di aver raggiunto una conoscenza soddisfacente al riguardo, si scopre che, in fin dei conti, non si sa praticamente nulla. La conoscenza, infatti, non ha mai fine; ogni piccolo tassello va aggiunto ad un infinito puzzle che fa parte del mistero della vita, che è possibile indagare anche partendo da something as "material" and "trivial" like food.
If our knowledge about food stops at a series of objective knowledge on the physical and chemical composition of foods (macronutrients, micronutrients, calories), we consider ourselves experts in terms of technical performance, but remains anchored in the material aspect of life. Rudolf Steiner claimed that modern science can investigate only what is dead, and lifeless. But if we have the desire to deepen our knowledge you can learn something about life, about the relationship that exists between man and his environment, between Man and the Cosmos, simply wondering what, beyond appearance, the substance that we call food, and that every day, introduced into the body, not only allows us to survive but also to determine the quality of our health, our thoughts, our feelings.
The ancient philosophers knew very well that there is no difference between us and the rest of the universe: they argued that what is below is also high.
We are made of the same matter of the cosmos and receive influences and energies. Just like plants, animals, minerals ... .. and what we call food.
Organic farming is seen by many as a utopia, a business, a fashion, because the damage caused by the accumulation of toxins in the body over years of food-based products are more chimicizzati silent with respect to a most striking symptoms that can be immediately placed in relation to a case. We have grown accustomed to living with our illness, either physical or psychological, to which we respond promptly taking medicines or remedies that simply disabling the alarm.
Despite extensive information campaigns conducted in recent decades, the idea that foods are commercially produced using pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics, dyes, preservatives, etc.. indifferent to most people. The portfolio of physical appearance are considered much more important in the scale of priorities, in which health care is not ever the first place.
Who is interested in nutrition in general it does mainly because it is constantly dieting. It's amazing the number and variety of diets that were invented and marketed in the last 40 years. And this rich (in every sense) production has not yet exhausted its source. Women in general, but also men (especially those who frequent the gym), fully aware of the caloric content of each food and dietary products used in place of a meal. The nutrition and physical activity are not taken into account in the psycho-physical, but the weight loss and external appearance. Often
knowledge and information on nutrition is only based on articles of women's magazines and television advertising, in addition to numerous scientific programs or not. Few know where it comes from the food they eat, what it contains, quali metodi sono stati utilizzati nella coltivazione/allevamento, nella produzione, nel confezionamento e nella distribuzione. Non siamo più in grado di riconoscere se un alimento è autoctono o proviene da paesi lontani, se è di stagione oppure coltivato in serra. Questo è lo scotto che dobbiamo pagare alla civilizzazione e alla globalizzazione.
Nella giungla dell’alimentazione è veramente difficile districarsi. Quando si crede di aver raggiunto una conoscenza soddisfacente al riguardo, si scopre che, in fin dei conti, non si sa praticamente nulla. La conoscenza, infatti, non ha mai fine; ogni piccolo tassello va aggiunto ad un infinito puzzle che fa parte del mistero della vita, che è possibile indagare anche partendo da something as "material" and "trivial" like food.
If our knowledge about food stops at a series of objective knowledge on the physical and chemical composition of foods (macronutrients, micronutrients, calories), we consider ourselves experts in terms of technical performance, but remains anchored in the material aspect of life. Rudolf Steiner claimed that modern science can investigate only what is dead, and lifeless. But if we have the desire to deepen our knowledge you can learn something about life, about the relationship that exists between man and his environment, between Man and the Cosmos, simply wondering what, beyond appearance, the substance that we call food, and that every day, introduced into the body, not only allows us to survive but also to determine the quality of our health, our thoughts, our feelings.
The ancient philosophers knew very well that there is no difference between us and the rest of the universe: they argued that what is below is also high.
We are made of the same matter of the cosmos and receive influences and energies. Just like plants, animals, minerals ... .. and what we call food.
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