Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nikki Sixx Carnival Of Sins Hat

Alimentazione e Pranayama

In all ancient religions and philosophies to gather information about food, recruitment, health and disease.
This passage is taken from the book "Theory and practice of Pranayama" by BKS Iyengar - Edizioni Mediterranee.
The particulars to be found are quite interesting and current.

In Mahanarayanopanisad, the the food is described as the primary requirement without which man can not develop the anatomical body on a spiritual level.
The sun radiates heat that evaporates the water. The vapor turns into clouds from which rain falls on the earth. He cultivated the land and producing food which, consumed, creates the energy necessary to maintain the force. The force creates discipline, developing the faith, which gives knowledge. Knowledge Learning pantry, which brings composure, which creates calm. The calm equanimity establishing, developing the memory and this leads to recognition. The approval brings the proceedings, which leads to personal fulfillment.
The Food must be healthy, pleasant and congenial to the body and should not be ingested only to gratify the senses. It is divided into three categories: sattvic, Rajas and Tamassia. The first
promotes longevity, health and happiness.
The second produces excitement.
The third creates illness.
Foods Rajas and Tamas cloud the consciousness and impede the spiritual progress.
E 'duty of sadhaka * discover, through testing and trials, which foods are suitable for him.
The character is affected by food. The practice of Pranayama change the eating habits of sadhaka. The man's temperament is influenced by the diet because of what he eats affects the functioning of the mind.
sattvic The vegetarian food, however, may be taken by tyrants, who will remain Rajasic or tamas. What matters is the mood of those who eat. A diet consisting of only sattvic foods will help keep a clear mind and unshakable.
The body is the abode of the individual self. If you were to perish for lack of food, I left him. The body must be protected in order to accommodate the ego. Neglecting the body leads to death and the destruction of the ego.
According Chandogyopanisad, the solids, liquids and fats that feed the body are each divided into sixteen parts as consumed.
The food is divided into three of them: the more I become rough, those medians become flesh and the mind becomes more subtle.
As for liquids, the urine becomes more coarse, the average blood become thin and become more energy (prana).
The same goes for the fat: the ingredients become coarse bone marrow and thinner than the average speech.
not eat when the saliva does not flow, because this indicates that the body no longer needs food. The quantity and quality of food must be moderate. When you are really hungry and thirsty, food is readily absorbed into the body and nourishes.
Water alone can always quench your thirst. A real asset is not seeking any other beverage than water.
alleviate hunger and thirst artificial.
not eat when you are emotionally upset. When during a meal a noble state of mind prevails, then all foods, except poisonous ones, are sattvic.
The fire of digestion is powered by the energy that comes from breathing. A moderate and nutritious food is needed to maintain the vigor, strength and quickness of mind.
Avoid fasting.
According to the Taittiriya Upanisad , the food is Brahman *. It must therefore be respected, not mocked, and they are to be abused.

* sadhaka: praticante, colui che ricerca
* Brahman: Essere Supremo, causa dell'Universo, spirito onnipervdente dell'Universo

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How To Reduce Gallbladder Polyps

La prevenzione

Nella società odierna è molto diffusa l’idea che prevenire significhi fare abitualmente visite, controlli, esami e radiografie. Ciò deriva probabilmente dalla consuetudine di considerare la medicina come una pratica atta a “curare” semplicemente eliminando i sintomi delle patologie. Per questo tipo di medicina, il sintomo è qualcosa di inopportuno da sopprimere immediatamente e la malattia è un “male” che va debellato il soon as possible and not the expression of an imbalance in the state of health. The many television programs that deal with medical, health, welfare, widespread advertising campaigns for the "prevention" of various diseases, pseudo-scientific articles that have appeared in magazines especially for women are all geared towards this purpose.
prevention understood in this way can only investigate the detection of the presence or absence of disease, particularly if asymptomatic. The aim is to have a starting point to make any further examination. But this is to discover the disease only when it is present, not prevent it. In addition, once checked the presence following the intervention of a disease is based on the use of drugs or invasive healing techniques more or less in order to eliminate the annoying symptoms, or surgery.
Among the more practical use for this purpose are, in addition to traditional blood tests, gastroscopy, electrocardiograms, etc.., X-rays, now often replaced by the TAC. In an article in the magazine L'Europeo "in 1994, states that each year about 1000 Italians die as a result of X-ray examinations carried out to check their state of health! Italy is the fourth country in the world rankings by the number of radiological examinations performed each year per capita (1), after Japan (2), Germany (1.4) and USA (1.2). The long-term exposure to X-rays cause cancer (leukemia, thyroid cancer, etc..) And genetic (both morphological changes in somatic cells that chromosomal and genetic mutations observed in successive generations). Exposure to small doses has no symptoms in the short term and long-term these are very difficult to ascertain because the damages, if emerging many years after they occur on very low percentage of the population.
In a more natural, holistic, prevention may be understood as the ability to maintain good health, both with natural food is a style of life as natural.
Traditional Chinese Medicine has always regarded the prevention of disease a major virtue.
in the I Ching (Book of Changes) states:
"The superior man is always thinking ahead to the diseases and take appropriate measures to prevent them." In Neijing
Huangdi (Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine) writes:
"The wise men did not care when they are already sick, but does so to prevent the onset of disease."
In Chinese philosophy, the man must know how to defend against anything that might harm his health. Are established for this purpose, three basic principles:
1) know how to feed properly
2) to adapt to the Yin and the Yang;
3) does not exhaust the vital asset received at birth.
Chinese medicine has as its primary purpose to teach man to remain in equilibrium with the components of Yin and Yang of the universe, nature and the environment. In addition, he teaches how to maintain harmony within your body.
stay in our country, it should be remembered as the School of Salerno, as early as 1000 AD (the year of its founding) had great efforts in drafting a set of dietary laws and life that were to serve as the basis for maintaining a good health and prevent the appearance disease.
Among them are the following suits your topic of prevention:
"Ask the limits for long life throat, the doctor who just eats you away from death."

Monday, November 24, 2008

Indian Working Women Showing Boobs

Alimentazione e salute

Linking nutrition and health is not as obvious as it may seem. Often people do not feel that what they eat affects their welfare. For many, it means that you regularly take preventive medical examination is underway to discover whether or not a disease and stop it at any time. The food is regarded as something in itself, serving to live, to appease hunger, control your weight. So do not pay attention to the quality of the foods that are introduced, but their price and content in calories.
Organic farming is seen by many as a utopia, a business, a fashion, because the damage caused by the accumulation of toxins in the body over years of food-based products are more chimicizzati silent with respect to a most striking symptoms that can be immediately placed in relation to a case. We have grown accustomed to living with our illness, either physical or psychological, to which we respond promptly taking medicines or remedies that simply disabling the alarm.
Despite extensive information campaigns conducted in recent decades, the idea that foods are commercially produced using pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics, dyes, preservatives, etc.. indifferent to most people. The portfolio of physical appearance are considered much more important in the scale of priorities, in which health care is not ever the first place.
Who is interested in nutrition in general it does mainly because it is constantly dieting. It's amazing the number and variety of diets that were invented and marketed in the last 40 years. And this rich (in every sense) production has not yet exhausted its source. Women in general, but also men (especially those who frequent the gym), fully aware of the caloric content of each food and dietary products used in place of a meal. The nutrition and physical activity are not taken into account in the psycho-physical, but the weight loss and external appearance. Often
knowledge and information on nutrition is only based on articles of women's magazines and television advertising, in addition to numerous scientific programs or not. Few know where it comes from the food they eat, what it contains, quali metodi sono stati utilizzati nella coltivazione/allevamento, nella produzione, nel confezionamento e nella distribuzione. Non siamo più in grado di riconoscere se un alimento è autoctono o proviene da paesi lontani, se è di stagione oppure coltivato in serra. Questo è lo scotto che dobbiamo pagare alla civilizzazione e alla globalizzazione.
Nella giungla dell’alimentazione è veramente difficile districarsi. Quando si crede di aver raggiunto una conoscenza soddisfacente al riguardo, si scopre che, in fin dei conti, non si sa praticamente nulla. La conoscenza, infatti, non ha mai fine; ogni piccolo tassello va aggiunto ad un infinito puzzle che fa parte del mistero della vita, che è possibile indagare anche partendo da something as "material" and "trivial" like food.
If our knowledge about food stops at a series of objective knowledge on the physical and chemical composition of foods (macronutrients, micronutrients, calories), we consider ourselves experts in terms of technical performance, but remains anchored in the material aspect of life. Rudolf Steiner claimed that modern science can investigate only what is dead, and lifeless. But if we have the desire to deepen our knowledge you can learn something about life, about the relationship that exists between man and his environment, between Man and the Cosmos, simply wondering what, beyond appearance, the substance that we call food, and that every day, introduced into the body, not only allows us to survive but also to determine the quality of our health, our thoughts, our feelings.
The ancient philosophers knew very well that there is no difference between us and the rest of the universe: they argued that what is below is also high.
We are made of the same matter of the cosmos and receive influences and energies. Just like plants, animals, minerals ... .. and what we call food.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Employment Contracts For Drivers

Food is something external that take into our body and that simply does not pass through the digestive system, but becomes part of us.
When we introduce a food that contains pesticides, those pesticides become part of us.
When we introduce a food that contains substances of synthetic chemical substances become part of us.
When we introduce a food that contains modified DNA, the DNA becomes part of our DNA.
When we introduce a food that comes from abuse, fear, violence, everything becomes part of us.
If we introduce a food product with love, warmed by the rays of the sun and preparation con cura, tutto ciò diventa parte di noi.

Letter Of Sponsorship Financial Support

E adesso, cosa ne pensate della carne?

Per legge gli animali destinati al consumo umano devono essere uccisi mediante taglio della gola per poter permettere la fuoriuscita del sangue. Spesso arrivano a questa fase ancora coscienti.

Questa foto non ha lo scopo di scioccare le persone, nè di criticare le scelte alimentari di nessuno. E' solo un invito alla riflessione......

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Vogelsinger Soccer Camp

L'insorgenza delle malattie dal punto di vista della filosofia buddista e del karma

Il Buddismo è nato dall’esigenza di dare una risposta alle quattro sofferenze fondamentali della vita: nascita, vecchiaia, malattia e morte. La cosa più importante è il modo in cui si possono superare queste quattro sofferenze, le quali rappresentano l’impermanenza di tutti i fenomeni. Secondo il Buddismo tutto è questione di vittoria o sconfitta, anche la malattia. Il modo in cui affrontiamo le questioni della vita, con coraggio o facendoci schiacciare dai problemi, determina se vinceremo o saremo sconfitti.
La morte è il punto finale della vita presente, ma allo stesso tempo è il punto di partenza della vita successiva. Nella profondità ed eternità della vita sono incisi gli ostacoli karmici accumulati nel passato. Anche la malattia è una loro espressione. Ma dal punto di vista del Buddismo essa è un espediente per condurre le persone all’Illuminazione.
Il problema della malattia nel Buddismo ha origini molto antiche.
Già nel III secolo d.C., Nagarjuna (1) suddivise e ordinò le malattie in “malattie karmiche” e “malattie presenti” e poi in “malattie del corpo” e “malattie della mente”.
Nel VI secolo d.C., T’ien-t’ai (2), nel Maka Shikan, offrì la più completa classificazione delle malattie dal punto di vista del Buddismo. Egli suddivise i tipi di patologie in tre grandi categorie:
- malattie del corpo
- malattie della mente
- malattie karmiche
Secondo T’ien-t’ai, le cause che generano le malattie sono sei:
- disarmonia dei quattro elementi
- excessive intake of food and drink
wild life - attack of "demons" from the outside
- action of "devils" internal
- effects of karma
The top four causes of diseases of the body, the fifth leading cause diseases of the mind and the sixth karmic diseases.
"Demons" and "devils" indicate the action of forces or bodies performing a function destructive or disruptive to the individual.
This disease classification is from the less serious and more serious, as defined by conventional medicine "incurable" or "incurable." Just for the latter becomes the Buddhist practice indispensabile. Se essa è in grado di curare le malattie definite incurabili (“karma immutabile”) a maggior ragione è efficace nelle malattie definite curabili (“karma mutabile”).
Il Buddismo fa continui riferimenti alla malattia e alla medicina utilizzando metafore, simbologie e allegorie tra il processo di Illuminazione e quello di guarigione. La scienza occidentale, improntata al razionalismo, tende alla separazione tra mente e corpo, individuo e ambiente, uomo e Universo. Il Buddismo, invece, afferma l’unicità di individuo e ambiente (non solo inteso come ecosistema).
Nel Gosho (3) “La benefica medicina per tutte le malattie”, Nichiren Daishonin afferma: “Dalla disease comes the desire to seek the Way. " In this sense, the disease causes suffering resulting fear, hopelessness, powerlessness, it becomes a means to transform their karma and attain enlightenment. This view emphasizes the disease in attitudes mental health care and the importance of psychological and spiritual. In fact, despair and resignation are the real "killer disease".
whole history of Buddhism can be viewed as a great metaphor for the medical and disease: the doctor is the Mystic Law (4), the patient's life. There are many parables in which the Buddha is compared to a doctor, suffering with a disease and his teachings to an effective medicine.
Shakyamuni himself studied medicine for a long time and became an expert in medical techniques of his time. Nagarjuna say ': "The Lotus Sutra is like a great physician who changes poison into medicine." Miao-lo (5) explains: "Since it can cure what was considered incurable, is called myo or mystic. ... Myo means to revive, that is, bring back to life."
Real treatises on medicine and specific studies have been written in order to classify the various diseases and identify their causes, characteristics and remedies to cure them. At the same Shakyamuni are assigned four treaties, consisting of 156 chapters in total, in which are considered both physiological functions in health and the different diseases. There are 84,000 types of diseases mentioned, the origin of which is to be found in various combinations of "remote causes" and "immediate causes". The diseases caused by "remote causes" are identified mainly in the mind of attachment to earthly desires and in the three poisons of greed, anger and stupidity. Diseases due to "immediate causes" are due to the imbalance between the three humors of 'air, bile and phlegm, fundamental energies that govern the functioning of the human organism. According to the relationship between the phenomena of the mind and body, the diseases are as different conditions of "twisted mind", linked to specific physical effects.
In Buddhist medicine is given great attention to disease prevention, personal hygiene, care of your body and nutrition. The same Shakyamuni advised to follow a healthy diet, maintain a thorough cleaning and sleep well. In
Sutra are often mentioned for the thermal baths and hot or cold as cure disease. Particular attention was given exercise to aid digestion, facilitate concentration and clarity of thought.
Shakyamuni not ever resorted to religious healing rituals or magic. He gave people directions practices to treat wounds and disease, prevent infections and epidemics.
A fundamental principle of medicine and Buddhist philosophy of life is inseparable from its environment. Shakyamuni taught that to be protected from external aggression is necessary to respect their environment and all life at his side. In this way you can develop an inexhaustible life force can continue to attack each individual and external issues.
Another fundamental principle is that of eternal life. Many diseases considered incurable can be cured through a broader vision that takes into account people and their karma. According to Buddhism, there is una stretta relazione tra le azioni che un individuo compie nel corso della vita e gli effetti che tali azioni possono avere durante la sua esistenza presente e futura. Le forme di malattia “inguaribile” di cui un essere umano può soffrire sarebbero il risultato di azioni compiute in questa o in altre esistenze contro la Legge mistica e la vita (es. aver ucciso una persona). Queste malattie “inguaribili” possono guarire solo attraverso una profonda trasformazione dell’individuo. Shakyamuni esortava le persone affette da malattie incurabili a risvegliare il loro innato potere curativo, facendo emergere la natura di Budda inerente alla loro vita. Dove un comune mortale vede nella malattia incurabile una disgrazia e un dolore impossibile da superare, Buddha (6) sees a natural part of life itself, like any other phenomenon. Healing is the natural consequence of the transformation of one's karma.
Every disease has usually more than one cause. For some diseases it is possible to identify a predominant cause for some not.
The six categories of causes of disease exhibited by T'ien-t'ai can also move and combine, leading to the development of other diseases. In general, all diseases, since they are suffering, are the effects of karma, that causes negative. But the sixth category (karmic diseases) was intended to refer to so-called disease "incurable." The only medicine that can Buddhist practice is to heal. In the seventh volume of the Lotus Sutra reads, "This sutra is the medical charity for diseases of all mankind."
The top five causes of diseases are produced during the lifetime of this, the sixth has its origin in previous lives. In the Gosho "Treating the disease of karma", Nichiren Daishonin (7) states: "The sixth type of disorders resulting from karma and are the most difficult to heal. Have varying degrees of severity and can not make definitive judgments. "
karmic disease can be both physical and mental. His care is not a strictly individual problem. Apart from the individual karma There is also a family karma and karma collective (social) and all interact with each other. This is a reflection of the principle of inseparability of life from its environment.
According to the Lotus Sutra, even a Buddha is completely free from pain. The disease is considered as the natural manifestation of a vital condition. What matters is the attitude of the individual and its ability to activate the healing power inherent in life itself. Fear and resignation may be a reason for defeat, while militancy and refusal to consider the disease as a death sentence increases the likelihood of recovery. The Buddhist practice is used to activate and use the unlimited potential inherent in the life and energy through the development of the Buddhahood that exists in every person.

1. Nagarjuna: philosopher who worked on the study and propagation of Buddhist teachings
2. T'ien-t'ai: the greatest interpreter of the teachings contained in the Lotus Sutra and founder of a school that he took the name

3. Gosho: written in the form of Nichiren Daishonin's letter sent to his followers to encourage them in faith and practice nalla Buddhist teaching of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
4. Mystic Law: Law of life and the universe that permeates all phenomena. In the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin means Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
5. Miao-lo: grande maestro buddista

6. Budda: persona che percepisce la vera entità di tutti i fenomeni e si è risvegliata alla Legge mistica.

7. Nichiren Daishonin (1222-1282): monaco laico buddista giapponese che rivelò per primo la Legge di Nam-myoho-renge-kyo., il 28 aprile 1253. Ottenuta l’illuminazione, egli rivelò la Legge mistica per fare in modo che tutti gli esseri umani potessero raggiungere l’Illuminazione. A questo scopo dedicò la sua intera esistenza, subendo numerose persecuzioni sia da parte delle altre scuole buddiste che dal governo giapponese. Egli materializzò la Legge mistica in un oggetto di culto chiamato Dai-Gohonzon, che rappresenta la sua vita illuminata nella forma a mandala. By extension, the Gohonzon is the enlightened life of every person who chants Nam-myoho-renge-kyo in front of it.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Weddinmg Seating Chart Ideas

Due occhi: il Sole e la Luna - di Daisaku Ikeda

Buddhism symbolically compares the human body to the universe just to prove that the individual is a microcosm of life. The head is round, as are the heavens above us. Our eyes are the Sun and the Moon. Close them and open them as day and night. Our hair shine like the seven stars of Ursa Major. The breath is like the wind and the quiet breathing through the nostrils is like the gentle breeze of the valleys.
There are about 360 joints in the human body and represent the day of the year. The twelve major joints representing the twelve months. The front and the heat of the body (abdomen and stomach) is the spring and summer. The rear and cooler (back) is the fall and winter. The blood vessels and arteries are streams and rivers. When there is bleeding as if a dam had burst. Our bones are the stones, skin and muscles of the earth, hair of the forest. Various Buddhist texts expose these correspondences in detail, including in each internal organ, and thus showing that our bodies are no doubt the universe in miniature. A large amount of metals and minerals - gold, silver, copper, potassium, Calcium - found in the depths of the earth. Even the features and qualities of all these materials are contained in our body. The infinite number of particles of the cosmos, atoms, protons, photons, electrons, neutrons, etc.., Small animals such as bacteria, the law of gravity, conservation of mass and energy, and all other laws of the universe refer more or less the Similarly to our microcosm. A look at the functioning of the body reminds us that it is like a big pharmacy: it has the ability to produce the medicines we need to keep us healthy. Taken through the food they are transformed into food and energy. The human brain has the potential of a huge computer (Although we are not always able to use it). The sixty billion cells in our body work together in perfect biorhythm.
This is the royal succession of things.

Daisaku Ikeda

Sunday, July 6, 2008

General Thank You Wording From Baby

Le vostre opinioni migliorano il mio lavoro

I would like to conduct a survey to know what you think people in general food, what are their knowledge, their experiences.
I'll be able to use the data collected for the thesis that naturopathy'm preparing. And as this thesis will speak mainly of natural foods (as well as other topics related to naturopathy) questions that I would be put on this very subject.
Thank you from now on whoever wants to make its contribution. You can respond by sending a comment to this post or e-mail.
********************************************** ************************************
on natural Poll:
  1. Have you heard of "natural food"?
  2. If yes, where or by whom?
  3. What do you mean by prevention?
  4. think that diet is important for maintaining good health?
  5. Have you heard of farming?
  6. If yes, what do you think?
  7. You never spending in stores that sell products from organic farming?
  8. If yes, what type of products you buy?
  9. Do you think people's health health and the environment are connected?
  10. Learn about the GM products?
  11. If yes, what do you think?
  12. Try to write a personal definition of "natural food "....

********************************************* *************************************

Of course, this poll is only to collect information on knowledge of individuals with regard to food in general and the "Natural" in particular. It is not a test of skill, nor its purpose is to criticize the habits and beliefs of people. Indeed, if there are people who do not believe in feeding as a tool for health, agriculture, biology, environmental protection and are avid supporters of GMOs, so much the possibility of a confrontation.


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Indian Women Showing Breasts

I principi dell'eubiotica

The term "Eubiotic" comes from the greek "eu" meaning good and "bios" meaning life.
It has been used since the early 60's to indicate power in harmony with nature with regard to the welfare of the individual and the planet. The Eubiotic is intesa come una vera e propria medicina preventiva, in grado di risolvere le patologie della civilizzazione e di potenziare le difese dell'organismo.
Essa si basa sui seguenti principi:
  1. allattamento al seno del neonato fino al 6° mese di vita . Naturalmente, è opportuno che anche l'alimentazione della mamma segua i principi dell'eubiotica, sia durante la gravidanza che dopo il parto;

  2. svezzamento, dopo il sesto mese, con alimenti naturali, quali brodi vegetali e passati di verdura, provenienti da coltivazione biologica, e farine di cereali, dando la precedenza al riso. E' consigliabile l'esclusione di prodotti raffinati and sterilized (UHT milk, baby food for children) and the limitation of pre-cooked products, except cornflakes. Use pasteurized milk and then natural yoghurt, dairy and fresh parmesan cheese. Enter the egg until the 8th month, the fish after the age of one year of age and the meat just after completing the dentition (canines). Legumes (peas and lentils past) should be administered after the 6-7th month of age. The juices of raw vegetables (eg carrots) and applesauce should therefore be given between meals (half an hour before or three hours later). As a sweetener, you can use honey to flavor the whole virgin and extra virgin olive oil;

  3. biological integrity of the food: it is better to use products from organic farming, which respects the natural rhythms of soil and crops, as well as for fertilization using organic substances of humus-rich minerals, trace elements and micro-organisms, promotes strengthening the immune system of plants, reducing the need to use pesticides, organic agriculture that are still derived from natural substances (plant extracts and propolis). The food should be consumed in their entirety, and possibly raw (fruits and vegetables). Among the stored products is better to use frozen ones, avoiding foods sterilized sausages and canned foods;

  4. privilege consumption of plant foods (cereals, vegetables, legumes, vegetable oils);

  5. the meal should consist of a basic food ( cereal or protein), accompanied by fresh vegetables (which should be consumed at the beginning of meal) and cooked vegetables (eaten as a vegetable) and bread. A possible integration of the meal can be made by introducing olives or walnuts and almonds to match the bread. Do not put sweetened beverages during the meal and fruit or sweets at the end of the meal. Wine consumption should be limited to meals of animal products, which should not be consumed more than once a day. A breakfast and snack food items that can be introduced outside the two main meals (milk, yogurt, tea, fruit, etc.).

  6. exclusion of pre-cooked and frozen meals which must then be heated to be consumed;

  7. avoid artificial sweeteners and ice cream industry (containing additives) and refined sugar. Prefer virgin honey;

  8. avoid coffee, tea and alcohol ;

  9. avoid food supplements, synthetic products and "anti-hunger," predigestivi and treatments of food;

  10. total exclusion of smoking and drugs .

This type of power is easy to follow, as it is not based on a calculation of caloric diet, but the quality of food, which helps to restore a proper recognition of the sense of satiety. The use of organically grown products, as well as the prevalent use of fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains reduces the possibility of introducing toxic substances (pesticides, pesticides, additives, preservatives, etc..) In the body and promote bowel emptying faster, grazie al maggior apporto di fibra. Il nostro intestino, lungo 12 metri in più rispetto a quello degli animali carnivori, assomiglia di più a quello degli animali erbivori. Il tempo prolungato di stazionamento dei residui della digestione di prodotti di origine animale nell'intestino dà luogo a fenomeni putrefattivi con conseguente produzione di metaboliti tossici e maggior rischio di insorgenza di tumori del colon.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Is It Illegal To Have A Platypus In The Uk?

La nostra salute non è indipendente dalla salute dell'ambiente

Parlando con numerose persone ho potuto appurare che la maggior parte di esse non ritiene che alimentazione e salute siano in relazione. Stare bene o male dipende dal caso, dal destino, dalla fortuna. In poche parole, la salute non dipende da noi e tanto meno da quello che eat.
deresponsabilizzante This attitude probably stems from a purely symptomatic approach to disease, in which the cause is an external agent (virus, bacteria, temperature changes). The symptom, then, is answered by a drug. A
said eastern states: "If a doctor treats a disease without knowing the cause will only aggravate the disease." What is not taken into account is that for every symptom is a cause different from person to person in the event, but with the same matrix: a deficient immune system.
Again, one could argue that the quality of the immune system resulting from genetic factors inherit, and in part this is true. But what is overlooked is the fact that the immune system is built and maintained from day to day, from the moment of conception until death, through what we take into our body, and the type of life we \u200b\u200blead.
Ludwig Feuerbach said: "We are what we eat" So how is it that our power is not connected to our health?
The term "treat" means "make similar." There is perhaps used in nutrition to indicate the process by which the body absorbs the nutrients in food?
When we introduce a food in our organism, not only do we get out sugars, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, trace elements. We introduce the vital energy that that body has within itself: we assimilate it, we make it like us, but at the same time we become like it.
Therefore, it is clear the importance of the quality of what we take into our body: if we introduce vital energy, absorb life energy, if we introduce poisons, absorb poisons. These poisons will join us and, through the bloodstream to reach all districts of the body to the brain. The blood, in addition to various nutrients, antibodies, hormones, etc.., Also carries information. It is up to us to choose what type of information we are driving around in our body and reaches the brain. It 'obvious, therefore, that we are the first responsible for our health, as well as the health of our environment.
Alcmaeon of Crotone, greek philosopher and physician who lived in the fifth century BC, said: "Man is a part of nature and the rules that govern all govern the man." Unfortunately, civilization has brought us farther and farther away from nature, regarded as an inexhaustible well to our use and consumption. But the events of everyday life show us that it is not. We consider ourselves the most intelligent animals on our planet and yet we are only animals più illusi. Illusi del fatto che non ci saranno conseguenze al nostro comportamento irresponsabile verso la nostra "casa maggiore". Quando vedo sacchetti, pacchetti di sigarette, bottiglie vuote buttate per terra penso: "ma le persone che fanno questo, a casa loro buttano l'immondizia per terra?".
Ci sono persone che non comprendono che se sporcano, inquinano, avvelenano la "casa maggiore" in cui tutti viviamo, anche le loro e le nostre vite saranno sporche, inquinate e avvelenate. Probabilmente queste persone pensano che la vita sia un evento lineare che inizia con la nascita e termina con la morte. Per questo vivono cercando di trarre il massimo profitto con il minimo sforzo. Ma la vita di tutto ciò che esiste nell'Universo è cyclic, not linear. Everything speaks of the cyclical nature of the phenomena: the alternation of day and night of sleep and wakefulness, the changing of the seasons, the sun and moon, heat and cold, darkness and light, rain and the weather. All of nature continues to show us which way to go. But as the saying goes: "There is none so deaf as those who do not want to hear."
Returning to the "immune system", I would emphasize the fact that most modern diseases are not derived, as before, by a diet deficient in terms of quantity but quality. We eat more (too!), But poor food from a nutritional standpoint. Along the evolutionary path we have traveled to get here until we learned how to select foods useful to our survival, eliminating those harmful to our health. This tour lasted about 2 million years, but in the last 50 years, our diet has undergone a swift change, mainly through the use of whole grains, legumes, cereals to a massive introduction of animal and plant products derived from breeder and intensive agriculture, as well as the affirmation of refined foods. Since our body time to adapt much more slowly than a change so fast, they began to manifest symptoms of so-called "diseases da civilizzazione", tra cui le intolleranze alimentari che oggigiorno sembrano interessare gran parte della popolazione.
Possiamo allora ancora affermare che la salute, nostra e dell'ambiente, non dipende da noi?

Friday, May 30, 2008

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Mini-corso di alimentazione naturale 4 meetings in

Questo mini-corso di alimentazione naturale è stato pensato per avvicinare le persone ad una alimentazione più consapevole, intesa come mezzo per mantenere o ristabilire una salute spesso compromessa da un’alimentazione scorretta e da uno stile di vita stressante. Si basa sui principi dell’eubiotica e sulla promozione dell’utilizzo di alimenti di produzione biologica e integrali.

Al corso è ammessa la presenza di bambini (uno per adulto) per poter favorire la presenza di mamme che altrimenti non avrebbero la possibilità di partecipare. Se saranno presenti bambini ci sarà la possibilità di proporre giochi e attività legati all’alimentazione e all’argomento dell’incontro per evitare che i bambini possano annoiarsi. È possibile portare la merenda per i bambini oppure organizzare una merenda con prodotti biologici e naturali.

Il costo del mini-corso è di 40 euro a persona ( i bambini non pagano ). I gruppi saranno costituiti da massimo 4 persone .
La sede del corso è Verona .

The mini-course will be held from mid-June . You can organize meetings during the week and on weekends.
The mini-course can only begin when the group will consist of 4 people . It is possible that inclusion of groups already formed and the subsequent continuation of a course of study with other mini-course of 4 sessions each, with specific topics, always related to food.
For information and registration:
cell. 328-8583127
rando.diana @

Friday, May 16, 2008

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Eating with consciousness is a path of self-knowledge

I started interested in organic and natural food more than twenty years ago when I met a person who operated herbalist. This person was a vegetarian and was through it that I began to approach food differently, with a new awareness. Overnight I stopped eating meat and began to prepare my own meals. Within a short time disappeared the terrible neck pain that had gripped me for years. I found that were due to the use of monosodium glutamate. After 5 years of vegetarianism in which did not introduce other animal proteins than those derived from milk and cheese, I began to have some aches and I turned to a doctor who took care of non-traditional medicine. He told me that I had completely exhausted my supply of trace elements and gave me supplements in vials of Copper-Gold-Silver. Thus restore my health, and introducing other sources of protein such as tofu and seitan. After eight years of vegetarianism, taken to eating animal products such as meat, fish and eggs. And I discovered that those eight years of organic food without additives, preservatives, dyes had cleaned my taste. Now I could feel the taste of foods in different ways and began to eat foods that before I refused because I did not like their taste. Since then, no longer able to be vegetarian, but I continued to use mostly organic products and my advice I do not recommend anyone to use products that contain MSG.
addition to following an organic diet, I also worked in this area dealing with the public sale of these products. It is during this experience that is born in me the desire to study in order to provide better service to people asking for advice about their diet. It 'started well, after I graduated as a dietitian in 1994, my career as a consultant in this area and despite being well past fourteen years and my life has made some huge turns, I again found the spot where I started. And this is precisely the meaning of my blog: the desire to give advice to those who can might need to provide people the experience gained in recent years. It 'difficult to be able to do on-line advice without seeing the people, without a direct relationship. But sometimes even a simple advice can help you find a foothold from which to start a journey in search of themselves. Why a healthy diet is nothing but a search, day after day, of our identity, of who we are, what we like, what we feel. In short, a discovery of us who maybe do not know and could surprise us. So if anyone wants to discover a world that often take for granted, or if anyone has any questions, curiosities, doubts regarding nutrition can email to the email address: @ rando.diana . For personal advice, however, my work is in Verona.

Monday, May 12, 2008

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What is natural food?

We live in a world now flooded by artificial products of all kinds. Many useful, some essential, most unnecessary. Maybe, just perceiving this artificial world is too narrow and stifling brought to the fore the term "natural" used and abused in every sector, especially that relating to food and personal care.
I thought about what it means to me the term "natural food", both in terms of my experience training and working life, and found four basis points, which probably could be added others.
  • natural food is not dieting . There is nothing natural in the diet, there is no living thing in nature that calculating food calories, the amount of protein, fat, sugar. Ever since I was born a human being bases his power on the spur of hunger and satiety, until the social rules and times of modern life do not take precedence over the physiological needs.
  • Power is introducing natural and organic whole foods . In nature there are no refined foods: they are an invention of a food industry that bases its work mainly on profit, not the well-being. And 'the invention of a consumer society which had grown out after the Second World War who sees in refined product a status symbol of wealth.
  • natural food is used mainly fresh . It 's definitely very helpful to have a supply of home-cooked food, canned, ready-to allow for preparing a meal at the last minute. But when this practice becomes the norm and not the exception, who pays the consequences is our health. Besides being virtually maintenance-free life energy, these products contain preservatives, coloring agents, emulsifiers, thickening contributing to intoxicate the body.
  • Natural food is to follow the seasonal cycle of products . Being able to store food and the ease with which they can carry in a few hours on either side of the world has made available in all markets products in each country during the time of the year. But plants are born, grow and bear fruit in one season and in a certain climate because they have a meaning for the body that is tied to a specific time and place.

Nurtured has a deeper meaning than just introduce a food to satisfy my hunger. Most of the diseases and ailments of the human diet comes from not appropriate in terms of both quality and quantity. We have forgotten our deeper connection with nature, thinking that the technology could satisfy our needs. But the results have rejected our expectations. We have a lot more than one time, but we are sicker and more miserable. Above all, we delude ourselves to be able to manipulate the world as we please without being liable for the consequences harmful for us.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

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The diet is not the solution

diets do not work, it is a fact. That is, because they work should be on a diet for life, but even so would not work.
There is no other animal outside of the human calculating the calories you eat. The only animals on a diet are domestic cats and dogs also ruined by their wealth.
The body is programmed for life and every time there is a shortage of food for thousands of years, puts in place mechanisms of defense.
In the case of the diet (= lack of food, elimination of categories of food, replacing food with surrogates) triggered an energy saving mechanism that determines the slowing of metabolism and as a result of a decrease in body weight. However, when the period of abundance of food, the body stores the excess calories as fat mass in anticipation of a future shortage.
Often those who are on a diet has the feeling of gaining weight just looking at the food or just drinking a glass of water. For those who, despite a strict diet, try these feelings frustration is really great.
The result you would expect from a diet is the decrease in body weight. But this, in addition to the fat mass, is also lean and liquids.
What you measure when you step onto the scale is the change in weight and body composition, which is measured with other instruments. So when you have the feeling of "Grease" just by breathing the air you should consider whether, instead fat, there is more of swelling or fluid retention, often the result of dieting and the stress it brings.
The solution, in this case, it will be found elsewhere: a balanced diet that can nurture life, not just the body.

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health comes from a conscious choice

The food is the first thing that external material into our body after birth.
Our relationship with food begins with the first breastfeed and be with us for a lifetime.
In fact, it starts much earlier, at the time of conception, but is mediated for the duration of pregnancy by another person.
Even in the early years of food intake is mediated by other persone e successivamente dai modelli sociali.
Proprio per questo, spesso il nostro rapporto con il cibo diventa con il passare degli anni problematico fino a trasformarsi, talvolta, in una vera e propria patologia.
Recuperare la nostra capacità di alimentarci autonomamente, senza condizionamenti esterni, basandoci sugli istinti biologici che naturalmente possediamo è possibile mediante un percorso che ci aiuti ad acquisire una maggiore consapevolezza di come funziona il nostro organismo e delle trappole messe in atto dalla nostra mente.
Ciò è possibile semplicemente utilizzando le nostre potenzialità personali e quello che la natura ci mette, da sempre, a disposizione.

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Diana Rando nasce a Mestre (Ve), il 5 novembre 1963.
Si diploma come dietista nel 1994 a Padova e successivamente frequenta numerosi corsi di aggiornamento e congressi nel settore.
Fin dal 1985 si interessa alla Medicina orientale e naturale, frequentando diversi corsi e scuole (shiatsu, shintaido, reiki, erboristeria, alimentazione biologica e naturale, vegetarianesimo, iridologia, naturopatia, ecc.).
Ha svolto la propria attività di dietista sia a livello ospedaliero, sia presso strutture private, sia come libero professionista e come formatrice.
Oltre che nel settore dell’alimentazione biologica, vegetariana e naturale, ha operato nell’ambito dei disturbi del comportamento alimentare (anoressia e bulimia), approfondendo their experience through support for rehabilitation in food (meals clients).
to personal choice and the experiences in their work does not use the instrument of the diet (ie the programming of food on the basis of counting calories), but builds with the person concerned a process of information and knowledge available from food needs and individual problems.
In 2008 he completed training as a naturopathic doctor at the School of Naturopathy - FINRA (Italian Federation of Naturopaths Riza) Riza Institute of Psychosomatic Medicine.
Its activities focus on the promotion of wellness and health of people through information and promotion of a more natural way of eating through the recruitment of products from organic and biodynamic dal'agricoltura. Since
also the mother of a child suffering from brain injury, for years following training courses related to rehabilitation methods about this issue, particularly interested in the food as a tool to promote health and overall improvement in children with this disease.
currently lives and works in Verona.