Edward Bach - Parola d'ordine: Semplicità Sunday, January 23, 2011
Hours 15-17
at "the sacred spring" - Study of Naturopathy
Via Calabria 4 - S. Massimo (Verona)
Course in eight meetings on the flower remedies of Dr. Bach Nel periodo che va dal 1930 al 1936, anno della sua morte, Edward Bach, medico e batteriologo gallese, mise a punto un sistema terapeutico completo definito “Fiori di Bach”. Egli scoprì i 38 rimedi floreali che servono a combattere i 38 stati d’animo negativi in cui l’uomo può trovarsi e che spesso sono la vera causa della malattia, intesa come alterazione dell’equilibrio psico-fisico.
Il metodo del dottor Bach si fonda sulla semplicità: “Quando ho fame vado nell’orto e raccolgo un cespo di lattuga. Quando sono spaventato e malato, prendo una dose di Mimulus o di qualche altro rimedio, a seconda dei casi” (“I Dodici guaritori e altri rimedi”).
Nonostante the changing times and circumstances, human nature remains the same. The man continues to feel fear, hatred, impatience, resentment, despair, dejection, insecurity and lack of confidence in himself since the beginning of mankind. For this Edward Bach described his remedies "the medicine of the future" as they are fit at any time and for any individual.
Dr Bach remedies do not act directly on the disease but on the mind, personality and temperament of the person.
physical health depends on how we deal with the different circumstances of life: the way of thinking, feelings and emotions. A negative attitude will affect both the body and the events that affect us.
The course is divided into eight thematic meetings related to Bach flowers, marked on the concept of simplicity and self-learning the use of Bach Flowers in everyday life:
1. First meeting: Learn about Edward Bach and his philosophy
2. Session II: flower remedies against fear Mimulus, Aspen, Rock Rose, Red Chestnut, Cherry Plum
3. Session III: flower remedies against the indecision and uncertainty: Scleranthus, Wild Oat, Cerato, Hornbeam, Gentian, Gorse
4. Session IV: flower remedies against loneliness: Heather, Impatiens, Water Violet
5. Fifth meeting: flower remedies against the tendency to harbor little interest in events of this: Honeysuckle, Clematis, White Chestnut, Wild Rose, Chestnut Bud, Olive, Mustard
6. Sixth meeting: flower remedies against despair and hopelessness: Larch, Elm, Oak, Crab Apple, Pine, Willow, Sweet Chestnut, Star of Bethlehem
7. Seventh meeting: flower remedies against the tendency to be overly influenced by other people's ideas and personality: Walnut, Centaury, Agrimony, Holly
8. Eighth meeting: flower remedies against the tendency to worry excessively about the welfare of others: Vervain, Rock Water, Beech, Vine, Chicory
Participation in the first meeting is essential to a better understanding and the use of Bach Flowers.
participation in the other seven meetings will be decided, according to the specific interests of each one on one, several or all groups of Bach flowers.
The cost of each session is € 10.00, inclusive of retirement and practical exercises.
For information and registration: 328-8583127