Saturday, February 6, 2010

Navy Field Base Calculator

Olfatto o odorato è uno dei cinque sensi specifici e rende possibile, tramite i chemioricettori , le percezioni delle sostanze chimiche volatili e dei gas presenti nell'aria.
L'olfatto è connesso in maniera funzionale con il gusto , come si può d imostrare semplicemente quando un raffreddore congested airways, thus affecting the olfactory function, and almost all foods have the same taste.

olfactory function in humans is achieved through specific structures: the receptor stimuli, which are found in the nasal mucosa in varying numbers between 10 and 20 million, to transduce chemical information into a nerve impulse that along the axons emerging from the end ricettorali basal cell, the signal reaches the olfactory bulbs, which are located above the nasal cavity, here is the contact with the second via the olfactory neuron, which projects its axon to limbic system, hypothalamus, all ' amygdala and the so-called primary olfactory cortex, where odor signals are interpreted. receptors have a high sensitivity that comes discriminative to distinguish 10,000 different smells

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