Thursday, October 22, 2009

How To Set Combination Lock On Polo Suitcase

Quante E ci sono nel tuo piatto?

For about 25 years my diet is mostly organic. Mostly, because they often can not choose, especially when eating in the restaurant, pizzeria and the bar. Usually I also do the shopping in stores that sell organic products, but sometimes, for time or place, you need to do their shopping in supermarkets. So the question inevitably arises: "Where did you get these fruits and vegetables this?", "How will this food was produced?". So, a few years ago, I started to check all the ingredients and country of production of what I wanted to buy. And I discovered that the amount of unnecessary ingredients in food is really big.
time ago, for example, in a food store in a typical mountain village of jars of vegetables I found really attractive: radicchio, dandelion, mushrooms, etc.. Vegetables also a bit 'unusual to find elsewhere. And I let myself be attracted by the beauty of the vegetables and the box. I bought more jars, without thinking before you read the label. When I tried to eat vegetables, I realized that all had the same taste and were not as good as they were beautiful, indeed. I read the label and discovered that the manufacturer had decided to introduce in the vessels a "flavor enhancer: monosodium glutamate. But there will be to enhance the natural goodness of the vegetables? The content of all bottled ended up in the dustbin. Disappointment and loss of about € 28.
Moral: better read the labels before buying a product, otherwise:
- You will have to throw away the product and with it the money spent (desirable choice)
- You feel compelled to eat the same product because "it is a sin to waste" (replacing the dustbin)
- One intossicherà of substances harmful and unnecessary additive to the product.
Unfortunately many people do not read the ingredients in any way, whether out of habit, and for the smallness of the printing. And so every day introduce a large amount of substances that poison the body without being aware. Often, however, people are uninterested in what they introduce into their bodies.
For example, how many and are introduced through the daily diet of a person? And those are the
substances indicated by a code composed of E and three digits indicate the type of additive used in the preparation of a product. According to EEC Directive No.107 of 1989, is considered a food additive as any substance not normally consumed as a food in itself and not normally used as a characteristic ingredient of food, regardless of whether it has nutritive value, the intentional addition to food for a technological purpose in the manufacture, processing, preparation, processing, packaging, transport or storage of food, may be reasonably expected to become, itself or its products, a component of such foods, either directly or indirectly. "
Therefore, it is something that is not part of the food in nature, is not a food, but will become a component of the food, and with it enter the body.
Among these substances are preservatives, antioxidants, dyes, thickeners, emulsifiers, sweeteners, flavor enhancers, anti-foaming agents, anti-caking agents, etc.. The antitumor
Center of Aviano (PN) has distributed a list of the abbreviations of the various additives, dividing them into "harmless", "suspect" and "Toxic." Among the latter, incidentally, that considered the most dangerous of all is the E330, which is the monosodium glutamate. Then, as it is never allowed its use in many products?
Also in this leaflet is a list of product categories, including the production brands, which contain food additives considered to be toxic: snacks, drinks, snacks, sweets, cigarettes produced by fermentation as well. At the top of this list are given snacks and their manufacturers. In fact, most products that contain food additives (which is considered harmless drugs) are intended for children.
For example, "E102 (tartrazine) is an artificial lemon yellow dye that is added in carbonated beverages, candies in fruit, pudding, packaged soups, ice cream, in chewing gum, marzipan, in jams, jellies, in the mustard, yogurt and many other foods together with glycerin, lemon and honey. It can also be found in the shells of medicinal capsules. Sometimes dye is added to the E133 (brilliant blue) and E142 (green) to produce different shades of green during the process of canning peas. It is the cause of many allergies and intolerances as free histamine. Among the reactions to this compound include: headache, edema, spotted vision, rhinitis, red spots on the skin, trouble breathing. When taken in conjunction with benzoic acid (E210) causes hyperactivity in children. This dye is allowed in Britain, Italy and the United States, while it is banned in Norway and in Austria (source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).
This is just one example of the damage that these additives cause health effects in people, especially children, elderly and convalescent. Who, in fact, he never thought of giving some candy and fruit to a child or an elderly person, bring cream to a resident in a hospital or a convalescent, to put a snack in your backpack for your child's school?
The inevitable question is: why? Because these substances are banned in some countries and in others (including our) no, knowing che sono dannose?
Spesso ci sentiamo impotenti di fronte alle scelte delle multinazionali e della politica economica mondiale, ma non dobbiamo dimenticare che noi comuni consumatori abbiamo in mano un’arma molto potente: il potere d’acquisto. Possiamo scegliere ciò che vogliamo comprare, possiamo scegliere ciò che vogliamo mangiare e in questo modo influenzare le scelte produttive delle varie ditte. Ricordiamoci la legge dell’economia studiata a scuola: è la domanda che crea l’offerta.
Cominciate a leggere le etichette dei prodotti che acquistate abitualmente (non solo alimentari, per esempio anche i prodotti cosmetici e di bellezza). Evidenziate quante E trovate e, dando valore 1 ad ogni E, provate a fare il conto di quante E giornalmente finiscono nel vostro piatto, o meglio nel vostro organismo. Il numero totale di E rende l’idea del grado di tossicità giornaliero, dato solo dall’alimentazione. Ad esso bisogna aggiungere una vasta gamma di sostanze tossiche che entrano nel nostro organismo anche attraverso la pelle, l’aria e perfino i pensieri. Se siete curiosi, andate a vedere in internet le notizie relative alle varie sigle. La migliore difesa è la consapevolezza.
Gli unici artefici della nostra salute e della nostra malattia siamo noi. Non solo, siamo anche responsabili della salute e della malattia delle persone che ci stanno vicino, in primis i bambini. Molto tempo fa qualcuno disse: “Non fare ad altri ciò che non vorresti have done to you. " So let us not poison the children (ours and others) by offering them sweets, snacks, etc.. There are many other ways to express love. The food has a different function.