Sunday, August 2, 2009

Frustration Rules Card


When will the food in human history, started to be an enemy?
Once food "bad" was considered poisonous or spoiled food, which could cause disease and death. Today, the food "bad" is what "makes you fat," what "is to judge" those who consume it, what is not "socially acceptable" because it stands for "fancy desire, desire, weakness. " I refer to
definitely sweet, but do not be surprised if many people in the same category also includes all carbohydrates.
cakes if they can do without. From the nutritional point of view so they are not even healthy, because they are rich in sugars, fats, dyes, preservatives, etc.. Only in recent decades have become part of the daily diet. Once they were an exception, today they are a food-comforting.
But what about the carbs, they are essential to life. And cereals, in fact, that was based human survival. In every country in the world there are one or more grains typical of that place, in harmony with the climate, geographical location, the geological composition of that territory. In developing countries, cereals are considered a treasure, a precious gift of nature with the water, so that together provide the life.
countries alone "civilized" cereals are considered a "threat" to the line more to health. And in some respects, rightly so, as if we were distorted, manipulated, refined, chimicizzati, developed by large industry, so as not to possess anything of the original function: to nourish.
Carbohydrates have become a reservoir of naked calories, a vehicle of addictive substances harmful to health, that have nothing to do with the original composition of grain from which it originates.
Instead of deleting it from carbohydrates daily, why not reconsider their quality?
For too long we are used to introduce only one type of cereal: wheat. All forms of carbohydrates throughout the day that we introduce are based on wheat: pasta, bread, bread sticks, crackers, cakes, etc.. Among other things, which are made with wheat is fertilized with chemical fertilizers and then refined. Therefore it follows a food low in vitamins and minerals. Moreover, almost all of the wheat used in modern industry is derived from a cross between a wheat “nanizzato” (cioè trattato con le radiazioni perché la pianta non cresca troppo in altezza), chiamato Creso, e un frumento di coltivazione messicana. Ciò avveniva negli anni ’80 e le conseguenze di tutte queste operazioni manipolative sono ora visibili nel dilagare delle intolleranze e allergie che molte persone hanno sviluppato nei confronti degli alimenti contenenti glutine.
In natura esistono numerose varietà di cereali: orzo, miglio, mais, riso, kamut, farro, quinoa, grano saraceno, avena, segale. Ognuno di essi ha caratteristiche e composizione diverse e la loro rotazione nell’alimentazione settimanale garantisce un apporto di sostanze nutritive molto vario, purché di origine biologica e assunti in their entirety. Most of these are also the products (bread, pasta, crackers, cookies, biscuits, flakes, etc.). And even the flour, but the best form of recruitment in order to benefit their quality is still in the grain or can not manipulated.
These cereals and their derivatives can be found in shops specialized in selling organic and biodynamic food, but a bit 'of time even in some supermarkets. In the latter, however, often the choice is less varied and higher prices, and the fact that the products are exclusively packaged. It is therefore important to carefully read labels to make sure they were not additives of preservatives, including if considered legal.
The human being is not just physical. Hence all the techniques used to control body weight (diets, excessive exercise, fasting, etc.). Sooner or later prove to be ineffective and harmful. We often forget their spiritual and mental components, which can not be controlled by the will and continue to hinder our self-destructive intent, to continue sending messages. However, we continue to ignore them, or because we are no longer able to hear us, and because we delude ourselves to control them.
The sense of hunger is a signal that comes from our being instinctive. Its purpose is to allow survival. Come può essere considerato un nemico? Continuare ad ignorarlo significa voler ignorare la vita stessa. Alla fine, essa ci invia un segnale di disagio talmente forte in modo che non sia più possibile far finta di niente. In un attimo avviene ciò che tanto avevamo temuto. Siamo costretti a capitolare. Ma ormai, in pochi secondi, riempiamo il nostro essere con un’infinità di cibo-spazzatura, invece che di cibo-amore e cibo-cura di sè. E il risultato è proprio quello che abbiamo cercato così affannosamente di evitare.
“Non fare agli altri ciò che non vorresti fosse fatto a te”. “Ama il tuo prossimo come te stesso”.
Perché non trasformare questi insegnamenti in:
“Non to ask yourself what you do not to others "and" Love yourself as you love your neighbor "?
We can start right now: only the present has no value. The past is past no longer exists. The future does not exist yet, but it will be a consequence of our actions in the present.
We fill our lives with acts of love for ourselves!