concepts saziamento and satiety are often not known by most people. These two terms are often confused and grouped under the term "satiety", but actually indicate two different and complementary moments of the same act of eating.
Generally, the term satiety is used both to indicate the time when you do not test more the sense of hunger and the duration of the period when this happens until the stimulus reappears.
In fact, in the first case we speak more properly saziamento, which indicates the time between when you start to eat and when he no longer feels the need to do so.
With satisfaction, however, means the period between the time of termination of the stimulus of hunger until they reappear.
In people who use various methods to control the urge of hunger and satiety saziamento often no longer being properly recognized, to stop impeding the act of eating when the body no longer needs or to start eating when satiety is finished. As a
saziamento signal is given by the distension of the stomach wall, it can be induced by various methods (eg, introduction of large quantities of liquids or foods such as vegetables or fruit that, once digested, involving a period of satiety short and early recurrence in the sense of hunger). If, for example, a meal is made up solely of vegetables or fruit, will be fast saziamento (gastric distention caused by water and fiber), but the fullness will be short and then reappear much sense of hunger soon (about 30-60 minutes later). In people who eat very fast, without chewing, and usually introduce large amounts of food at each meal, the distention of the stomach wall more slowly, and then the message of satiety is slow in coming. The
saziamento and satiety are also determined by the type and quality of food brought in during the meal. Every food has a specific satiating power, which varies depending on the presence of other components in the food or meal. In general, complex carbohydrates have a high satiating power, the average protein has a satiating power and lipids have a high satiating power, but only if introduced in high numbers. The fibers, particularly arising da verdura e da prodotti integrali, aumentano il potere saziante degli alimenti a cui si accompagnano. La frutta, invece, essendo composta principalmente di acqua e zuccheri semplici, ha un potere saziante temporaneo.
Se nello stesso pasto sono presenti i principali macronutrienti (carboidrati, proteine e lipidi) e le fibre derivanti dalla verdura, sia il saziamento che la sazietà saranno maggiori.
La capacità di riconoscere gli stimoli di fame e sazietà è una cosa innata nell’essere umano, come anche in tutti gli altri animali. Essa è molto sviluppata e attiva nel neonato e negli animali, tranne quelli domestici, da allevamento e negli animali che vivono in cattività. Negli animali liberi, questa capacità rimane inalterata per tutta la vita. Anche per l’uomo un tempo era così: gli stimoli di fame e sazietà hanno permesso a tutte le specie del regno animale (uomo compreso) di sopravvivere ed evolversi.
Purtroppo, sia nell’uomo che negli animali domestici, quelli che vivono in cattività e quelli da allevamento, questa capacità viene alterata da altre esigenze, prima tra tutte la scansione quotidiana del tempo cronologico.
E’ certamente evidente che non mangiamo perché abbiamo fame, anche se spesso non ce ne rendiamo conto, ma perché “è ora”. Tutta la vita dell’individuo è scandita dagli orari: l’ora di alzarsi, l’ora di fare colazione, l’ora di andare at school or at work, lunch time, time to snack time, dinner time, time to go to bed. Even pet animals (dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, etc.). Have had to adapt to our times.
The time factor is not the only loss of the ability to influence the recognition of the stimuli of hunger and satiety. Stress, anxiety, sadness, depression can cause a false sense of hunger, whose purpose is to cause the intake of sweet foods that stimulate the production of substances that promote a temporary state of being.
When we eat, all our senses work together to send messages to the brain on the form, color, smell, taste and texture of what we are ingesting. To sensory stimuli is also added memory (remember pleasant or unpleasant). All this information helps determine the sense of satiety and the feeling of contentment or less.
Another factor that encourages the development of stimulus saziamento and affect satiety is chewing. Almost all have little time and attention to our feed. The hectic life is divided between home, work and family leaves little time for preparation and taking quiet and relaxed meal. To this we must add the emotional states (stress, anxiety, anger, nervousness, depression) that accompany our day. All this affects both the choice of food (quick to prepare, rich in fats and sugars, flavor accentuated), and the mode of application. This is probably due to the search for an "energy boost" that our body needs due to the exhaustion of the forces due to a life on the run. Unfortunately, it does not.
more you eat, attacked the food, I devour, swallow, swallow it almost whole, just as wild carnivores. This attitude could also derive from the need to download the accumulated tension and aggression during the day. Often, even after a few hours the meal, we do not even remember what we ate.
Chewing is important, not only because through the grinding and salivation is easier digestion of food. Even this alone would be a great achievement for our health, because many of the problems facing our civilization digestive system would be solved. In addition, we must remember that in the oropharyngeal cavity and in particular at the level of language, is the production of sensory satiety, generated by the stimulation exerted by the food on the five senses (especially taste and smell). Eating quickly and greedily reduces the sensory satiety, whereas a good chewing la favorisce.
Il nostro comportamento alimentare, inoltre, è influenzato dai sapori. La dietetica occidentale riconosce quattro sapori fondamentali: dolce, salato, acido e amaro. Su zone specifiche della lingua sono presenti le papille gustative in grado di riconoscere i vari sapori: dolce sulla punta, salato e acido ai lati, amaro sul retro.
Il sapore influenza il grado di accettazione di una sostanza, che è direttamente proporzionale alla piacevolezza della sensazione gustativa. Maggiormente ricercate sono le sostanze dolci perché danno una sensazione molto piacevole, la quale però diminuisce man mano che aumenta la concentrazione del sapore. Il gusto amaro, invece, provoca solitamente una sensazione sgradevole e il rifiuto della substance, especially in children, because this flavor is usually associated with toxic substances. The degree of pleasantness and the search for a food are also more at the beginning of the meal and gradually decrease until it becomes unpleasant when you reach satiety.
summary, to restore the ability to take the stimulus of satiety is important
1. Divide the daily food intake in 5 meals
2. Taking time to prepare and eat a meal without rushing
3. Chewing food well
4. Introducing the major macronutrients in each meal, giving priority to the carbohydrate meal (energy factor) and protein for dinner (constructive factor)
5. Accompany every meal with vegetables (raw and / or cooked) and take the fruit snacks in
6. Eat mostly whole foods (fiber, vitamins, trace elements) and biological
(fruit peel)
7. Remember that foods rich in sugar and fat are more attractive and enhance the sense of hunger.
Finally, an aspect that is very underrated and little known is the fact that, during mastication of fresh foods, whole and organic or biodynamic, are freed of the subtle energies contained in them, which serve to nourish the intellectual aspect of our being (etheric body, astral body and ego), but which also benefits the physical body.
Generally, the term satiety is used both to indicate the time when you do not test more the sense of hunger and the duration of the period when this happens until the stimulus reappears.
In fact, in the first case we speak more properly saziamento, which indicates the time between when you start to eat and when he no longer feels the need to do so.
With satisfaction, however, means the period between the time of termination of the stimulus of hunger until they reappear.
In people who use various methods to control the urge of hunger and satiety saziamento often no longer being properly recognized, to stop impeding the act of eating when the body no longer needs or to start eating when satiety is finished. As a
saziamento signal is given by the distension of the stomach wall, it can be induced by various methods (eg, introduction of large quantities of liquids or foods such as vegetables or fruit that, once digested, involving a period of satiety short and early recurrence in the sense of hunger). If, for example, a meal is made up solely of vegetables or fruit, will be fast saziamento (gastric distention caused by water and fiber), but the fullness will be short and then reappear much sense of hunger soon (about 30-60 minutes later). In people who eat very fast, without chewing, and usually introduce large amounts of food at each meal, the distention of the stomach wall more slowly, and then the message of satiety is slow in coming. The
saziamento and satiety are also determined by the type and quality of food brought in during the meal. Every food has a specific satiating power, which varies depending on the presence of other components in the food or meal. In general, complex carbohydrates have a high satiating power, the average protein has a satiating power and lipids have a high satiating power, but only if introduced in high numbers. The fibers, particularly arising da verdura e da prodotti integrali, aumentano il potere saziante degli alimenti a cui si accompagnano. La frutta, invece, essendo composta principalmente di acqua e zuccheri semplici, ha un potere saziante temporaneo.
Se nello stesso pasto sono presenti i principali macronutrienti (carboidrati, proteine e lipidi) e le fibre derivanti dalla verdura, sia il saziamento che la sazietà saranno maggiori.
La capacità di riconoscere gli stimoli di fame e sazietà è una cosa innata nell’essere umano, come anche in tutti gli altri animali. Essa è molto sviluppata e attiva nel neonato e negli animali, tranne quelli domestici, da allevamento e negli animali che vivono in cattività. Negli animali liberi, questa capacità rimane inalterata per tutta la vita. Anche per l’uomo un tempo era così: gli stimoli di fame e sazietà hanno permesso a tutte le specie del regno animale (uomo compreso) di sopravvivere ed evolversi.
Purtroppo, sia nell’uomo che negli animali domestici, quelli che vivono in cattività e quelli da allevamento, questa capacità viene alterata da altre esigenze, prima tra tutte la scansione quotidiana del tempo cronologico.
E’ certamente evidente che non mangiamo perché abbiamo fame, anche se spesso non ce ne rendiamo conto, ma perché “è ora”. Tutta la vita dell’individuo è scandita dagli orari: l’ora di alzarsi, l’ora di fare colazione, l’ora di andare at school or at work, lunch time, time to snack time, dinner time, time to go to bed. Even pet animals (dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, etc.). Have had to adapt to our times.
The time factor is not the only loss of the ability to influence the recognition of the stimuli of hunger and satiety. Stress, anxiety, sadness, depression can cause a false sense of hunger, whose purpose is to cause the intake of sweet foods that stimulate the production of substances that promote a temporary state of being.
When we eat, all our senses work together to send messages to the brain on the form, color, smell, taste and texture of what we are ingesting. To sensory stimuli is also added memory (remember pleasant or unpleasant). All this information helps determine the sense of satiety and the feeling of contentment or less.
Another factor that encourages the development of stimulus saziamento and affect satiety is chewing. Almost all have little time and attention to our feed. The hectic life is divided between home, work and family leaves little time for preparation and taking quiet and relaxed meal. To this we must add the emotional states (stress, anxiety, anger, nervousness, depression) that accompany our day. All this affects both the choice of food (quick to prepare, rich in fats and sugars, flavor accentuated), and the mode of application. This is probably due to the search for an "energy boost" that our body needs due to the exhaustion of the forces due to a life on the run. Unfortunately, it does not.
more you eat, attacked the food, I devour, swallow, swallow it almost whole, just as wild carnivores. This attitude could also derive from the need to download the accumulated tension and aggression during the day. Often, even after a few hours the meal, we do not even remember what we ate.
Chewing is important, not only because through the grinding and salivation is easier digestion of food. Even this alone would be a great achievement for our health, because many of the problems facing our civilization digestive system would be solved. In addition, we must remember that in the oropharyngeal cavity and in particular at the level of language, is the production of sensory satiety, generated by the stimulation exerted by the food on the five senses (especially taste and smell). Eating quickly and greedily reduces the sensory satiety, whereas a good chewing la favorisce.
Il nostro comportamento alimentare, inoltre, è influenzato dai sapori. La dietetica occidentale riconosce quattro sapori fondamentali: dolce, salato, acido e amaro. Su zone specifiche della lingua sono presenti le papille gustative in grado di riconoscere i vari sapori: dolce sulla punta, salato e acido ai lati, amaro sul retro.
Il sapore influenza il grado di accettazione di una sostanza, che è direttamente proporzionale alla piacevolezza della sensazione gustativa. Maggiormente ricercate sono le sostanze dolci perché danno una sensazione molto piacevole, la quale però diminuisce man mano che aumenta la concentrazione del sapore. Il gusto amaro, invece, provoca solitamente una sensazione sgradevole e il rifiuto della substance, especially in children, because this flavor is usually associated with toxic substances. The degree of pleasantness and the search for a food are also more at the beginning of the meal and gradually decrease until it becomes unpleasant when you reach satiety.
summary, to restore the ability to take the stimulus of satiety is important
1. Divide the daily food intake in 5 meals
2. Taking time to prepare and eat a meal without rushing
3. Chewing food well
4. Introducing the major macronutrients in each meal, giving priority to the carbohydrate meal (energy factor) and protein for dinner (constructive factor)
5. Accompany every meal with vegetables (raw and / or cooked) and take the fruit snacks in
6. Eat mostly whole foods (fiber, vitamins, trace elements) and biological
(fruit peel)
7. Remember that foods rich in sugar and fat are more attractive and enhance the sense of hunger.
Finally, an aspect that is very underrated and little known is the fact that, during mastication of fresh foods, whole and organic or biodynamic, are freed of the subtle energies contained in them, which serve to nourish the intellectual aspect of our being (etheric body, astral body and ego), but which also benefits the physical body.