Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nikki Sixx Carnival Of Sins Hat

Alimentazione e Pranayama

In all ancient religions and philosophies to gather information about food, recruitment, health and disease.
This passage is taken from the book "Theory and practice of Pranayama" by BKS Iyengar - Edizioni Mediterranee.
The particulars to be found are quite interesting and current.

In Mahanarayanopanisad, the the food is described as the primary requirement without which man can not develop the anatomical body on a spiritual level.
The sun radiates heat that evaporates the water. The vapor turns into clouds from which rain falls on the earth. He cultivated the land and producing food which, consumed, creates the energy necessary to maintain the force. The force creates discipline, developing the faith, which gives knowledge. Knowledge Learning pantry, which brings composure, which creates calm. The calm equanimity establishing, developing the memory and this leads to recognition. The approval brings the proceedings, which leads to personal fulfillment.
The Food must be healthy, pleasant and congenial to the body and should not be ingested only to gratify the senses. It is divided into three categories: sattvic, Rajas and Tamassia. The first
promotes longevity, health and happiness.
The second produces excitement.
The third creates illness.
Foods Rajas and Tamas cloud the consciousness and impede the spiritual progress.
E 'duty of sadhaka * discover, through testing and trials, which foods are suitable for him.
The character is affected by food. The practice of Pranayama change the eating habits of sadhaka. The man's temperament is influenced by the diet because of what he eats affects the functioning of the mind.
sattvic The vegetarian food, however, may be taken by tyrants, who will remain Rajasic or tamas. What matters is the mood of those who eat. A diet consisting of only sattvic foods will help keep a clear mind and unshakable.
The body is the abode of the individual self. If you were to perish for lack of food, I left him. The body must be protected in order to accommodate the ego. Neglecting the body leads to death and the destruction of the ego.
According Chandogyopanisad, the solids, liquids and fats that feed the body are each divided into sixteen parts as consumed.
The food is divided into three of them: the more I become rough, those medians become flesh and the mind becomes more subtle.
As for liquids, the urine becomes more coarse, the average blood become thin and become more energy (prana).
The same goes for the fat: the ingredients become coarse bone marrow and thinner than the average speech.
not eat when the saliva does not flow, because this indicates that the body no longer needs food. The quantity and quality of food must be moderate. When you are really hungry and thirsty, food is readily absorbed into the body and nourishes.
Water alone can always quench your thirst. A real asset is not seeking any other beverage than water.
alleviate hunger and thirst artificial.
not eat when you are emotionally upset. When during a meal a noble state of mind prevails, then all foods, except poisonous ones, are sattvic.
The fire of digestion is powered by the energy that comes from breathing. A moderate and nutritious food is needed to maintain the vigor, strength and quickness of mind.
Avoid fasting.
According to the Taittiriya Upanisad , the food is Brahman *. It must therefore be respected, not mocked, and they are to be abused.

* sadhaka: praticante, colui che ricerca
* Brahman: Essere Supremo, causa dell'Universo, spirito onnipervdente dell'Universo

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How To Reduce Gallbladder Polyps

La prevenzione

Nella società odierna è molto diffusa l’idea che prevenire significhi fare abitualmente visite, controlli, esami e radiografie. Ciò deriva probabilmente dalla consuetudine di considerare la medicina come una pratica atta a “curare” semplicemente eliminando i sintomi delle patologie. Per questo tipo di medicina, il sintomo è qualcosa di inopportuno da sopprimere immediatamente e la malattia è un “male” che va debellato il soon as possible and not the expression of an imbalance in the state of health. The many television programs that deal with medical, health, welfare, widespread advertising campaigns for the "prevention" of various diseases, pseudo-scientific articles that have appeared in magazines especially for women are all geared towards this purpose.
prevention understood in this way can only investigate the detection of the presence or absence of disease, particularly if asymptomatic. The aim is to have a starting point to make any further examination. But this is to discover the disease only when it is present, not prevent it. In addition, once checked the presence following the intervention of a disease is based on the use of drugs or invasive healing techniques more or less in order to eliminate the annoying symptoms, or surgery.
Among the more practical use for this purpose are, in addition to traditional blood tests, gastroscopy, electrocardiograms, etc.., X-rays, now often replaced by the TAC. In an article in the magazine L'Europeo "in 1994, states that each year about 1000 Italians die as a result of X-ray examinations carried out to check their state of health! Italy is the fourth country in the world rankings by the number of radiological examinations performed each year per capita (1), after Japan (2), Germany (1.4) and USA (1.2). The long-term exposure to X-rays cause cancer (leukemia, thyroid cancer, etc..) And genetic (both morphological changes in somatic cells that chromosomal and genetic mutations observed in successive generations). Exposure to small doses has no symptoms in the short term and long-term these are very difficult to ascertain because the damages, if emerging many years after they occur on very low percentage of the population.
In a more natural, holistic, prevention may be understood as the ability to maintain good health, both with natural food is a style of life as natural.
Traditional Chinese Medicine has always regarded the prevention of disease a major virtue.
in the I Ching (Book of Changes) states:
"The superior man is always thinking ahead to the diseases and take appropriate measures to prevent them." In Neijing
Huangdi (Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine) writes:
"The wise men did not care when they are already sick, but does so to prevent the onset of disease."
In Chinese philosophy, the man must know how to defend against anything that might harm his health. Are established for this purpose, three basic principles:
1) know how to feed properly
2) to adapt to the Yin and the Yang;
3) does not exhaust the vital asset received at birth.
Chinese medicine has as its primary purpose to teach man to remain in equilibrium with the components of Yin and Yang of the universe, nature and the environment. In addition, he teaches how to maintain harmony within your body.
stay in our country, it should be remembered as the School of Salerno, as early as 1000 AD (the year of its founding) had great efforts in drafting a set of dietary laws and life that were to serve as the basis for maintaining a good health and prevent the appearance disease.
Among them are the following suits your topic of prevention:
"Ask the limits for long life throat, the doctor who just eats you away from death."