- allattamento al seno del neonato fino al 6° mese di vita . Naturalmente, è opportuno che anche l'alimentazione della mamma segua i principi dell'eubiotica, sia durante la gravidanza che dopo il parto;
- svezzamento, dopo il sesto mese, con alimenti naturali, quali brodi vegetali e passati di verdura, provenienti da coltivazione biologica, e farine di cereali, dando la precedenza al riso. E' consigliabile l'esclusione di prodotti raffinati and sterilized (UHT milk, baby food for children) and the limitation of pre-cooked products, except cornflakes. Use pasteurized milk and then natural yoghurt, dairy and fresh parmesan cheese. Enter the egg until the 8th month, the fish after the age of one year of age and the meat just after completing the dentition (canines). Legumes (peas and lentils past) should be administered after the 6-7th month of age. The juices of raw vegetables (eg carrots) and applesauce should therefore be given between meals (half an hour before or three hours later). As a sweetener, you can use honey to flavor the whole virgin and extra virgin olive oil;
- biological integrity of the food: it is better to use products from organic farming, which respects the natural rhythms of soil and crops, as well as for fertilization using organic substances of humus-rich minerals, trace elements and micro-organisms, promotes strengthening the immune system of plants, reducing the need to use pesticides, organic agriculture that are still derived from natural substances (plant extracts and propolis). The food should be consumed in their entirety, and possibly raw (fruits and vegetables). Among the stored products is better to use frozen ones, avoiding foods sterilized sausages and canned foods;
- privilege consumption of plant foods (cereals, vegetables, legumes, vegetable oils);
- the meal should consist of a basic food ( cereal or protein), accompanied by fresh vegetables (which should be consumed at the beginning of meal) and cooked vegetables (eaten as a vegetable) and bread. A possible integration of the meal can be made by introducing olives or walnuts and almonds to match the bread. Do not put sweetened beverages during the meal and fruit or sweets at the end of the meal. Wine consumption should be limited to meals of animal products, which should not be consumed more than once a day. A breakfast and snack food items that can be introduced outside the two main meals (milk, yogurt, tea, fruit, etc.).
- exclusion of pre-cooked and frozen meals which must then be heated to be consumed;
- avoid artificial sweeteners and ice cream industry (containing additives) and refined sugar. Prefer virgin honey;
- avoid coffee, tea and alcohol ;
- avoid food supplements, synthetic products and "anti-hunger," predigestivi and treatments of food;
- total exclusion of smoking and drugs .
This type of power is easy to follow, as it is not based on a calculation of caloric diet, but the quality of food, which helps to restore a proper recognition of the sense of satiety. The use of organically grown products, as well as the prevalent use of fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains reduces the possibility of introducing toxic substances (pesticides, pesticides, additives, preservatives, etc..) In the body and promote bowel emptying faster, grazie al maggior apporto di fibra. Il nostro intestino, lungo 12 metri in più rispetto a quello degli animali carnivori, assomiglia di più a quello degli animali erbivori. Il tempo prolungato di stazionamento dei residui della digestione di prodotti di origine animale nell'intestino dà luogo a fenomeni putrefattivi con conseguente produzione di metaboliti tossici e maggior rischio di insorgenza di tumori del colon.